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Who has the messiest shop?

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The other day I was in the garage and decided to clean it out. My garage is my work shop and when cleaning I found a radial arm saw on a stand that I forgot I had. How do you forget you had a saw like that in your shop.When I would do anything it always take me longer to find something or worse I would have something and set it down and gone never to be seen again.I wish I would have took a picture of the shop before so I can show you mass confusion. I would like to see who has the worst shop here so that I dont feel so bad.:eek::eek::eek::lolhuh::lolhuh:

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I can guarentee you I do. but I am not showing pics cause it looks like crap.

boat being restored, boat parts all over from when I was working on them, tool boxs everywhere, any flat surface is a table. started projects, that sit with all parts ready to be assembled. etc etc

on the bright side I know were everything is ;)

this weekend is clean out time, I am betting I fill 2 dumpsters with boat parts, a while ago I threw out over 20 lower units and I could have probablly made 5-6 good ones out of them 6 blown motors

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Duh .... A clean shop ????

I don't remember that ever happening .... I guess if I never did anything in it ( once it got cleaned & in order) it would never get "messed" up again .... I have actualy bought tools I all ready had that I could not find or forgot I had :o ... now where did I put that box of hooks ???:? I bet I could get a lot done if I could find everything when I needed it :rolleyes: ... anyone want the job of keeping it straight ?? So what had I rather do spend that time looking for some thing or keeping it straight so I will know where it is ?? :wink:

Decesions ..



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There is nothing like setting your split ring pliers down and then you have to go and buy a new pair because you get pissed off and cant find them.I should really get organized, I went to my buddys house and you should see his garage.His garage makes me sick, everything in place, organized and labels on everything. I just wanted to empty some tool boxes on the tool bench and rip all his tools that are neatly hanging on peg boards and throw them in the floor.Im just joking, you should see him though when he comes over to my shop fear hits him. He wants to pick up you can see it in his eyes.I wish I had a picture before I cleaned up, who has the guts to show us your mess.:worship::worship::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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This is an interesting topic. I NEVER had a clean shop. My wife used to say "how do you find anything in here?". Funny thing is I could have worked in the dark because I knew where everything was. I remember a time when she accidentally knocked over a little 2 ounce container of color. She put it back in the wrong place. I almost had a heart attack over that! :eek: That's when I realized we bait-makers can be pretty anal at times. :lol:

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O.K , I know, you have seen the pictures, I started to clean up, I threw 2 trailer loads of treasures in the tip, built 96 square feet of shelving (with doors) and still I am struggling to store my treasures . Another boat came along, I have no one to harass me, I habitually go from one project to another, and back again - is this a sign of DEPRESSION or suppression.

Yes - it's me, I have the messiest shop in Calwell, if not the planet. I can't help it.pete

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@ jamie

Don't feel bad , you're not the only one :yay:!

My shop is stuffed with woodchips and sawdust , I cleaned it up for once about three years ago , because I wrote some pictured essays for a German angling magazine and the chief writer came along to see me in my workshop .

All tools and materials are idling around somewhere , but in a way , that I call "organized disorder":huh: .

That means , that in 95% of all cases I find the things , that I am looking for , rather fast .

The remaining 5% take a bit longer , but some stuff has vanished mysteriously , though I am certain , that it has never passed the exit door:?:? !

But I still consider cleaning up as a waste of my precious time:yes: !

Greetz , diemai

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Well, there is another way in but if you throw up the overhead garage door this is what greets you!


.....a 16' X 26' one car garage with a "chopped" '53 Willys pickup project that I started 27 years ago, a '64 Chevy II that I bought 6 years ago and promptly lost in the debris and enough other junk to fill a two car garage!!!!..............now if you go in and turn left into the attatched 14' X 24' wood shop you will find this little corner dedicated to lure building.........


.........this picture was taken in the fall of 2003 about a month after I started building lures, and I haven't cleaned up since so you can imagine how it looks today:lol::lol:

Do I win?? Where's my trophy??:lolhuh:

Let's see some more,


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Well, there is another way in but if you throw up the overhead garage door this is what greets you!


.....a 16' X 26' one car garage with a "chopped" '53 Willys pickup project that I started 27 years ago, a '64 Chevy II that I bought 6 years ago and promptly lost in the debris and enough other junk to fill a two car garage!!!!..............now if you go in and turn left into the attatched 14' X 24' wood shop you will find this little corner dedicated to lure building.........


.........this picture was taken in the fall of 2003 about a month after I started building lures, and I haven't cleaned up since so you can imagine how it looks today:lol::lol:

Do I win?? Where's my trophy??:lolhuh:

Let's see some more,


I bet your in the running, but you have so many flat spaces to stack stuff your not going to get the prize LMAO.

every flat surface as most of us know is a place to stack something, we keep going hire till you can't stack anything or it falls over then its anothe spot to stack stuff LOL

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Wow pete that is almost my shop. only thing you can deduct point for on petes shop is the in the middle picture plaed evenly on the rod rack LOL

the crooked non working light in the background(middle pic) is a nice tocch as well as the pink mask and black spider (halloween?) in the lower pic.

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Dlew , that light does work, just chose not to turn it on ** and the pink mask is the infamous pink crocks ! !

Vince you had 4 workshops to play in, if you don't like the mess, you can just go to another area and start over, they were very cosy though, all of them.

Dave, I want to see your new one in six months. pete

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I just wanted to let you all know that my cleaner shop isnt working out. I was in the garage working on a 3 hp boat motor, I had the carb off cleaning it out and I couldnt find the carb cleaner. I knew where it used to be but now that I put everything away I dont know where I put it. Go figure I think Im going back to the old filing system.:boo:

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