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Ed Brabant

My Pot

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Looks good :yay:

I am tryin to get my pots goin, Dam Granger takes for ever to send me paper work to get new account, old one had lapsed. I need to order some RTV, and am waiting on the durn Hurricane Gustav , no use ordering and not be able to get for weeks if were out of electricty and all tore up here, AGAIN :huh::mad:

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Nice set up you have there.:yay: Do you have any jigs that you can slide the molds through and not have to hold them or is that set up for open molds. The stirrer is definitely the way to go though. No more stirring for you. Also what do you have for ventilation set up? They do put out some smoke and vapors?

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What I do is place the mold on the base. I have one of Del's 5 1/4 stick molds. With the mold under the pot I have about 3 inches of clearence from the end of the nipple on the valve. Looking at the melt as it comes out the stream right at the valve is rather large. being 3" away the stream is rounder and smaller. It seems to fill the cavity better. I put a few pieces of wood under the mold to get it closer to the nipple and it didn't fill as well. The only thing that I may do is to put a peice of wood so I am always lined up in the "X" direction and all I have to do is slide in the "Y" direction. I am going to put witness marks for the "Y" direction. I can hit the cavity pretty good now but every now and then I miss and get a little plastic on the top of the mold. As far as ventalation goes I have a range hood i bought from a guy off Craigs List for $10. He was remodeling. That is where I got the large microwave from for $0. It was a freebe on the side of the road. Found that in the free section on Craigs list. I just need more molds. I spend more time waiting for the mold to cool. The granite surface plate helps that wit the fan blowing across the surface. The granite is a great heat sink. I pour with the temp setting at the max. It seems the hotter the better. I checked the melt with a thermoeter and it read 350 F. I have been in the middle of a pour and got the suppers ready call. Came back 20 minuets later no problems at all. The plastic was still hot and the stirrer motor was going strong no burning at all. It is a 25 rpm I think. Got that off EBay.

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