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skirt type and where

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Hey Guys,

I bought a couple tru tungsten jigs a few years back. I didnt like the head design but really liked the skirt so i unwrapped them and used a collar to attatch them to a custom head.

The skirt was a round rubber skirt and was black with blue flake in it.

I just lost my last one the other night and have been searching online for the last couple days trying to find a place that sells them.

So far, i have found about 101 places that sell plain black round rubber, but no one who sells black with blue flake round rubber.

Anyone know where i can get this, or is there a proccess for just taking plain black and using a spray adhesive to stick the flake to it?

I figured if anyone would know, it would be all you skirt pros.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks gang,


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