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Texturing powder paint

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Hey guys,

I have been working on an idea and haven't come up with anything decent and thought I would throw it out to you for suggestions. I am trying to create a texture like the copper or silver vein with blue or red. I contacted one of my local powder coaters and they said it could be done but I would have to order like 500 pounds for this special order. Have any of you guys tried this?

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I talked to Columbia Coatings. They are one of the best places close to me. They told me that most people but a base coat of the silver vein then use a translucent on top. I am looking for something like the attached picture but instead of the silver I want red or blue. I haven't gotten the desired results in trying to mix red and blue with black.

Thanks guys.










Edited by rsinyard
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I have been experimenting with textured finishes for quite awhile. These finishes are not your gold or silver vein colors. This is actual textured powder made for that purpose. Currently I have 3 beige colors, all a different shade, and a smoke which is gray. I currently purchased several hundred pounds of each, which in a month or so I

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Thanks Ted. Your post helps me explain in more detail. I am looking for the texture feel like you talked about. What I would like is a black base coat with a red or blue pebbly feel. I use the term vein because that is the look I am going for. How does the textured powder work? Does it give you a raised look or does it go on smooth like normal powder? I hope this makes more sense.

Edited by rsinyard
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