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Plastic samples

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Most of you know I'm new here. Some have seen my first pour and gave me some tips. Well I've done more pouring and really enjoy it. I've got 2 molds now from Del and another one in the mail somewhere. I plan on doing this for awhile. I've been doing a lot of reading here about different plastics. Been reading the best plastic thread. I saw some posts about samples. I've still got the original gallon from Del, which is Calhoun but wonder about some of the others. I don't really have any issues with Del's but would like to see some baits of the others. I'm in the market right now for 5 gallons. Do some of the suppliers still offer samples? How does one go about asking for them. I'm sure they get these requests all the time. Probably from some that never have any intention of buying from them. I'm not in that place and don't want to come across as such.

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I will be happy to send you a sample of plastic if you place an order.

Also, we are coming out with a phthalate free plastic the first of the year (more inviromentally friendly) and would like for you guys to try it and give us feedback. Anyone placing an order, please request a sample of the new plastic to try.



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I will be happy to send you a sample of plastic if you place an order.

Also, we are coming out with a phthalate free plastic the first of the year (more inviromentally friendly) and would like for you guys to try it and give us feedback. Anyone placing an order, please request a sample of the new plastic to try.



The new plastic is great! I would suggest you try it. Kim and Company 10+ service and product.:yay:

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Hey Jeff!!!

Yes, it comes in all three formulas and they are as close as you'll ever get to the current formulas we have. Colors and everything stay the same. We have been testing it since the first of the year and the baits are the same today as they were the day we poured them.

The cost will close to the same as what it is now.


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I made some baits with the new 502 plastic from LC a week ago the baits are fine. No smell or stiffness to them after a week of sitting:yay:. The only thing I noticed was there was a bad odor when I was cooking it. I dont think I burnt it and I will try it again just to make sure. I will let you all know on the next pour. Other than that:yay:.

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