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Richard Prager

Scent vs worm oil

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I have read in many posts about people using worm oil for easier packaging as well as coating rtv molds to achieve a shiny finish. Why wouldn't scent just be used for both applications? I've never used worm oil before so I'm not sure if it has different qualities.

Scents work just as good. the only problem with scents is if you have a scent that has a tint the worms wont look bright and shinny

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Thanks for the replies. I did receive some baits from another TU member a while back. His baits were packed with worm oil. I found that it is too slick and was a pain in the butt to rig. I've been using Upper Hand and have no discoloration with any opaque baits. With white and other SOLID lighter colors, I squirt a few drops before cooking and mix well. After I demold, I also squirt some on the baits and mix them around so it doesn't pool up. I don't notice any discoloration. I was forced to try this because I ran out of Anise. I do, however notice some discoloration on more translucent lighter colors occasionally like a lighter watermelon or blue smoke pearl.

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You may want to check also ,a lot of scents are just scented worm oil,you can add any scent to worm oil and make it go a long way,in packaged baits this works well,you can also make your own scents as i have with fish oils,crawfish oils and mix them with worm oil and marinate them,this is what a lot of the scent companies do,i have come up with many of myown scents that are very concentrated and awesome.:)

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i use both scent and worm oil for packaging, i use a 4oz bottle and mix 1/2 oz scent and 3 1/2 oz worm oil (it makes the scent last alot longer)

also the worm oil helps alot with getting your baits straight in the package (craws, jig trailers, tubes ect), they look alot more atractive to the customer when they are packaged nice and neat rather than just thrown in the bag


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Look at the price of worm oil verses scent and youll know why,If its good scent its very expensive,thats why I make mine,look up anyone who sells trapping supplies,they most likely sell 100% crawfish,salmon,fishoils in many different varieties,Most are 100 % oils,There are a few on ebay also,its nice if you sell baits to cut your cost and still offer an outstanding product that can be better than most other stuff on the market.

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Here is another reason for scent over oil.

Take a bag of the same baits and add oil to one and scent to the other. Put them in your boat for about 2 or 3 months. Take them out and see if you can tell a difference.

Hopefully our baits get fished and not down in the hull that long but I did this with worm oil, baby oil and stright scent a few years back.

The "oil" bags had baits that were HARD. The scent baits were still soft and even a little more stinky.

Seems the oil will get into the baits and react with the plastic to firm it up quite a bit. Scent seems to not affect the baits softness.

This was just my test for my baits but I will not use any type of oil as scent allows the baits to package well and also covers some of the plastic smell for me.


PS I have a "recipe" for garlic scent somewhere. I made it once and my wife threw me and the scent + dished out of the kitchen for good!!!!!!!!

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Not sure on the oil but I know that baby oil was mineral. Remember, this was on MY baits. Your oil may different or your plastic may be a different type. Sure all that plays into it.

BTW.... The baits I tested were strictly stick (senko) type baits with salt in them. The salt probably drew the oil into the bait after time.

Still looking for the garlic recipe. It may have gone bye-bye with my old PC's hard drive. Some stuff was not backed-up :o!!


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After reading Jim's earlier post I remembered an earlier thread on oils. Someone swore by Johnson's brand Baby Oil. I bought some and mixed it with a little scent. I just dug up a whole box of those sticks (no salt). They are over two years old and just as soft and full of color as the day I made them. These are not in air tight bags, but the cheap BPS worms boxes. Can't smell any scent, though. Jim, if you still have any of the sticks I sent you, check them out. They were made the same way.

Getting back to the scent issue.....A little bit of scent allows for easy packaging. Why cut the scent with plain oil at whatever the amount per pint, quart,etc.??

I just ordered some crawdad oil for $10 a pint. We'll see how that works and I'll post the results. Thanks for the tip, Prochallenger!

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It may be the salt,not sure,I know I use worm oil and scent mixture on all my baits,I have some in bags since last year,not hard,very nice actually,My mixture is fish oils and crawfish oils in worm oil,about a 50/50 mixture and has been working fine,no complaints from cuatomers,actuall a lot of comments about how real they smell and feel,just my experience,john

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I wanted to also add that I use the worm oil as a medium when using fish and craw oils,they are very concentrated depending on where you get them,but I also know for a fact that a lot of scent manufacturers are also using it as a medium so when you say you are just adding scent you may indeed be adding worm oil,or at least some genaric medium unless they are using 100% extracts,but then I think by adding a bit of oil ads to the look of the bait,makes it shinier and also helps distribute the scent and of course makes it go a lot farther,a lot of these crawfish and fish oils are not meant to be used by themselfs,They need to be mixed with oils.

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Great info again guys,,

I have not noticed any hardning of any baits,, but Have not done the same exact test as Jim has..

I also believe that Scent helps to catch more fish..

So I mix the oil with the scent in my bags..

pure scent goes in the plastic mix.



$ 10.00 a pt. is cheap..for scent oil..

keep us informed on its performance

did they claim it to be 100% pure scent oil?


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Very good info!! Time for this "old dog" to learn some new tricks it seems! Will run some more tests with my baits just hearing all the good results out there.

I am all for saving a few bucks if the product stays the same or is even better!

No luck on finding any of those sticks Richard! Have to go find the few fish that got them without the hook. :yay: Other than that, they all were used in the pursuit of the all mighty LMB!!!!!!!


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I have no clue why one would want to add worm oil to

their soft baits when you can add natural based forage

oils such as crawfish, shad, etc....?

There is no question these forage oils have lubricating

properties and they add the smell value. The whole

reason I started my scent line was because I felt most

soft plastics ( other than Berkley ) had no qualities on

the scent side to help fish hold on to the bait longer.

I am in the process of rebuilding my website as we speak.

Business keeps growing with each passing year so I can't

complain. You can visit the new site @product line

and let me know what you think?

Again, it is not completed but it shall be very soon.

The Coffee Shad has become one of my top sellers

in a short period of time! It's a very dark oil and most

guys are using it for packaging as it tends to alter colors

if you add it to hot plastic since it's so darn dark.

I have come out with Shad bit-o-Coffee which is got much

less Coffee oil in it in hopes it will not alter baits as much?

Remember, I am only @ $14.99 for a pint of Hawg Sauce.

Yeah the $10/pint deal sounds good, but rememeber the old

saying...you get what you pay for. Maybe it's the real deal

for you guys....I know your trying to save:twocents:.


Upper Hand Scent - Marinades

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No one can pry my Upper Hand Scents from me now Doug!!!!!

I have said from the start, as probably the first supporter of these scents, there is nothing better... THE END!!!!

New site is looking GOOD!

We are just looking at a few ways to make those scents go a little further...LOL!!!


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I love worm oil as a medium when mixing fish and crawfish extracts,You could also use a fish oil or craw oil insted of the worm oil but the worm oil is a little cheaper,if you buy the concentrated craw and fish extracts they are so concentrated that you would be wasting it putting it on without a medium,scent only penetrates the plastic so far then the rest is wasted,This is just for the few who like to make their own products and not to cut on anyone elses products but the stuff I make is the strongest and longest lasting that I have found except pro cures scents and its all home made.

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