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presto pot will it heat white without burning

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I have never used a presto pot but I am wanting to purchase one in the near future but have some questions .Can you heat white and keep it warm without burning or turning it brown,most of the baits I pour are white.Also Im wondering if it might be better to just heat the clear in the pot and then ad the white color and plastic in a pyrex right before pouring,if anyone has any experience with pouring and heating white Please let me know what you have found ,thanks,

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I haven't done white but i think you would be okay if you keep the temp as low as possible. Also, one thing that I found turned my white a different color was the type of scent I was using. My temp was okay but still got the odd color. Tried a different scent and no problems after that. Hope this helps.


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I have poured quite a little bit of white with the presto pot with varying results .. been hard to pin down some times good white till the last drop other times the same as Kajan ... tried at different temps and can not pin down so far. Tried different coloring as well as with heat stablizer . Hope some one might help put this one to rest.


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The problem with white is unless you have a good heating element and pot your going to pretty much have problems.

if your white is coming out bad then all the colors are burning you just dont realize it until you run white.

heres some things you can do to help.

add heat staiblizer every 15-30 mins( thats the smoke your seeing is the heat stabilizer burning off)

make sure you have a automatic mixer ( very important) as it will constantly mix the plastic that is touching the elment parts.

if your using salt lets say in stik baits DONT use worm oil or scents, the UV inhibators that they put in worm oil doesnt last like it does in the plastic. it will turn yellow after a while.

no scents

if you still have problems or can't do the above, ad 1/2 to 1 drop of black or dark blue to the pot. the dark color makes the white stand out better and longer.

bottom line if your while baits turn color and you are just using plastic(no scents) your burning it.Turn DOWN the heat There is no other reason.

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Unless you have a sta-warm pot or a good pot with a good wrap around heat band prefferably digital you will get hot spots in the pot. Lee pots, presto pots all heat in a certain area only the thermostats are cheap and dont really work on these that good.

believe it or not a microwave will give you better results on white with the exception of re heats as long as you mix every 30 seconds.

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With a Prest Pot you need to stir constantly. Everyone tries to make it really complicated, but all you need is a table top drillpress and a 3" paint stirrer turning around 500-550 RPM. Trust me, I've made several hundred thousand sticks using this method. To keep from discoloring, don't use more than one quart at a time or else you will get discoloration unless you use a stabilizer ( 1/4 cup every 30 minutes). On the Presto you don't need to go over 325 degrees and it will turn out great. The other thing is to use worm oil without scent, the scented oil will cause white, bubble gum, clear, and chartreuse to discolor with time.

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Thanks for all the information everyone,I have been using a microwave and it works very well,i wanted to heat more at one time but im thinking of just maybe buying another microwave instead of the pot,I have plenty of molds just not sure if the pot is the way to go with the white and make it worth the extra cost for the pot and stirrer,I have been heating 8 ounces at a time right now,It takes roughly 6 minutes to heat it to pour,I can pour quite a bit from the cup but Have seen the pots and they look like they would be great,I guess I may have to try one to see if i can increase pours ,john

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Here is a picture of 6 frogs that I just poured with a total of 6 cups poured in the presto pot. I poured down to last little bit and I see no color change on these baits or the others that were poured with the frogs. I have poured white several times with the pot and I have had no problems. That was using 1207 Calhoun plastic and LC white color.

The Frogs came throughout the pour from start to in between and the end of pour.


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