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Dubs Chops

glass turkey baster

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anyone thought of using one of these for fine tails for grubs and such? i have trouble pouring them without going over. also when i was pouring earlier i was having trouble with my plastic rolling over the side of the pan instead of pouring straight down, did i explain that where anyone could understand it? you think the plastic was too hot or too cool?

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It's good that your mind is thinking "outside of the box"; that's where some of the best ideas come from.

The problem with this idea is that the baster will simply plug up, as the plastic will cool and form a plug right at the end.

As the others said, just keep practicing. Try pouring the tail first and then lead the stream of plastic towards the body of the grub. Do this all in one motion. Don't start and stop the stream. Also, don't try to pour it too quickly.


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Dubs. When I first poured lead from a ladle, I had the similar problem, it was a crap shoot as to where it was going to pour. Often I missed the hole in the belly of the lure and had to start over.

The solution was to cut a notch '>' about 1/4" where I wanted it to pour, using a cutter wheel in the dremel. This solved all my problems. Experiment, the notch may have to be a bit bigger for the viscous plastic.

This may work for your pan, assuming it to be metal. Worth a try, assuming Mrs Dubs does not use the pan any more.


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lol thanks everyone. the more I think about it I bet the pan was too full. i had it pretty full because i was also dipping tubes out of it. vodkaman, it does have a notch in it, it is the aluminum one from lurecraft. Mrs, Dubs would not turn loose of any of hers. here is a picture of what i was messing around with, the tail on the chart tailed grub is screwed up i was just fooling around and thought i would try to pour the tail by drizziling the plastic off of my stirring butternife.



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If your using a 1 cup pan(whatever size pan your useing), only fill it a 1/4-1/8 of the way.

Rather than typing out a lengthy responce to the reasoning run to your kitchen grab a glass. fill it to the top with water. try to pour a small stream. then fill it 1/4 full and do the same.

I made a pos about it before. somewhere

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