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I agree 340-350 is the ideal range depending on the hardness/softness of your plastisol. We just did our first run of tubes out of our 5 gallon hot pot from Ritehete. I am truly a believer in investing the extra cash in a quality hot pot. I have heard mixed reviews on Lee hot pots when it comes to plastisol. The Ritehete pot is very very accurate as the temp stays within +/- 10 degrees...no scorching what so ever and we had a pile of salt in there too. We use Calhoun plastisols, available from Del-Mart....cant beat the quality and price....ok now the infomercial is over :rolleyes:

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Go to your local wal-mart or such and get a deep oil frying thermometer and a glass candy thermometer. You can use the glass one to take the temperature and as a stirrer while pouring. Once you figure out the right temperature with the thermometers you will get the hang of it. About those ritehete pots. How much are they? I have two of the Lee pots and they really are more trouble than they are worth for small runs. I purchased a cheap table top drill press and use that as a continuous stirrer when using the lee pots. Works well.

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Go to your local wal-mart or such and get a deep oil frying thermometer and a glass candy thermometer.

I purchased a cheap table top drill press and use that as a continuous stirrer when using the lee pots. Works well.

Most of us can tell that the plastic is ready to pour by how thin it gets. But that is from a bit of experience. The glass thermometer os a great easy way,

Hmmm, do you have the drill mounted in a stand to for stirring?

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Doc, the 5 gallon pot with a heated valve cost 600. us. The next one we get will likely be half the size for use on the bodies of tubes ( using 2 pots at once for 2 color tubes) and hand pours. I too am planning a stirring device via the electric motor idea, I'm sure it does wonders for evenly poured senkos.

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I called the 1-800 number off the web site. I tried them today, just got the answering machine..they are pretty busy most of the time. Expect a 20-25 day turn around when ordering a custom sized pot. Ask for Steve ( the owner). We did a 800 two color tube run yesterday, I expect we could do 1000 in 6-7 hours if we did one color :) .....thats with the tails cut and just 2 people dipping/cutting.

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