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Weighting/Through Wire Plastics?

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Hey all,

I am fairly new to this forum, and i am just starting to make plastic lures. I have made wooden lures before, but it gets time consuming and expensive. So, this winter i plan to mold some Bulldawg-type lures for muskie fishing. The thing is, i would not know how to add a wire harness inside the bait before i pour the plastic. I noticed on Bulldawgs that there is a seam line going through the middle of the bait. My bet is that they pour half the bait, let it dry, pry the mold apart, lay the wire harness inside, then pour the rest of the mold. This is probably not right, but could any of you help me or offer up ideas?

Thank You!

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the bait is poured all at once, they use a type of jig to hold the top wire/hook steady, then they pour.

Some of my customers use pretty elaborate set-ups others just use a bent paperclip.

in some molds that dont have the hook coming out from the bottom( which would be the top from were you pour from) the hook is cut into the mold and is held steady that way.

The seam line is do to making the bait mold easier and cheaper to make. they cut half in one side and half in the other, this also makes it easy to pull the bait out.

for example the bull dog you would never be able to pull out of the mold with out breaking it do to the tail and bottom fin, plus the hooks on the top fin and nose are supported in that mold between the 2 halfs. the smaller baits don't need the paper clip trick to hold the wire in.

Edited by Delw
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