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UPS Delivery Recepticles.

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I am changing the physical location of where my business is located to another residential area. The residence i will be operating out of is quite a bit closer to the road than the one i am presently located. Presently i am located a good seventy five yards from the road and the ups guys usually leave the packages on the back step. The new residence is located about twenty yards from the road and both the front and back door are clearly visible from the road.

My question is would it be in my best interest to build a large box with three or four closable/lockable lids for the UPS and other delivery services to drop deliveries. Do some services require such type delivery recepticle boxes?

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I don't think that any of the delivery services REQUIRE such a box. Whether they would use it if one were available might be up to the individual deliverymen. Perhaps you could talk to them if you get a chance.

I wouldn't think that any delivery service wants their folks to have to carry around 20 pounds of keys. So maybe you could find some type of lock or latch that you could leave open when you retrieve your packages. The next time the lid is closed, it would lock by itself. The only thing that comes to mind at the moment would be a padlock and hasp. You could leave it opan and hanging in the hasp when the box is empty. Not sure if the delivery person would want to take the extra time and effort to remove the padlock, close the hasp and snap the lock. Maybe a doorknob could work if you made your reciptical more like a locker than a bin with a lid?

The other issue I can think of is this: the regular guy would become familiar with your reciptical, but what about the fill-in guy?

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I don't think that any of the delivery services REQUIRE such a box. Whether they would use it if one were available might be up to the individual deliverymen. Perhaps you could talk to them if you get a chance.

The other issue I can think of is this: the regular guy would become familiar with your reciptical' date=' but what about the fill-in guy?[/quote']

Shoot the lock box is a great idea, They wouldnt need keys IF the locks were left open, (and if your kids wouldnt take them) :D and the deliverer would lock them when somthing was left, (no key needed for him)

As for the fill in guys, dont they have a special instructions box on the delivery tag? If so ""have them put delivery in lock box"" could be added to it.

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I had forgotten all about making this post. When i made this post i knew the box would have to remain unlocked until a delivery was recieved. Theres no way the delivery guys are going to fool around with a key. I dont think you could pay them to do it. Their method of operation is to drop the delivery and hit the ground running as fast as they can for the next stop.

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