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What Kind of Primer

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Danny P, I never use a primer. I put a base coat on my multi-color jigs, which is part of the color. On 1 color jigs I use only the color that it is supposed to be. As far as chipping goes triplextackle is dead right on his answer all paint will chip. Lot of it has to do with lead composition. Softer purer lead will chip or crack faster, because naturally it is softer and more susceptible to denting. Harder lead will take more abuse when powder painted. You have to find a happy medium based on your pouring style and skill on what lead mix gives you the best complete pours, without wasting a lot of time. Pure lead pours the easiest and you get the most complete pours. 50/50 mix is what I generally strive for, works the best for me. I can pour straight hard lead with no problems. But there are a lot of variables here. What type of mold, mold pouring angle, mold air vents, lead fluxing, heated hooks, outside temp, and what time of the year it is? I don

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