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Pouring Plastics

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I have been pouring plastic for sometime now and started in the mid 80's, off and on. I started on my wifes kitchen stove and now use a couple of microwaves to heat my plastic. I wonder about purchasing a melting pot and something to stir it slowly to keep the glitter, salt and color even. I am reluctant in spending a lot of money on equiptment ( my wife would have a cat) but I wouldn't mind finding something that would stur and pour the plastic so my cleanup of the baits was easier. my hands are not as steady as they once were.

Any one have any ideas on a small system that would be not too expensive.

Thanks for your input

Jigman2 :whistle::worship:

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:lol:Im going to get a lot of laughs from this one but here it goes anyway,how about mounting a mixer like an egg beater on a bracket,the adjustable speed hand held ones,would the mixers be enough to mix the plastic or could you modify it to work,just a crazy idea for a cheap mixer

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1st off I doubt you get any laughs. As far as the mixer goes well I think you would be incorporating a lot of air bubbles into your plastic with that design. I currently run a presto pot that I bought from a fellow TU member. The stirring motor on that pot is a 50 rpm motor hooked to a 2 blade paddle( Guess that's a Paddle) . I find it incorporates more air bubbles than I would like. I have built several pots for other members since buying my first one and I have changed to a lower rpm motor and a 4 blade paddle. This seems to have eliminated most of my bubble problems for the most part. Now I have to find out if it was the motor speed, Paddle design, or what was causing it .

Jigman if you are looking to spend around the 200.00 mark give or take a few bucks we can build a pot for pouring that works great for 2 cups up to 8 cups. The cleanup is easy and fast .

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Can you post a picture of the 4 blade paddle? Did yours from me have the 6 holes in the paddle like below? Just curious as no one else has metioned bubbles. I have never seen any bubbles in any we poured. What plastic are you using? Did you go to the 26 RPM?

Jigman2 sent you a personal message.


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No the one you sent me did not have any holes in it.


The Motor I am using is a 35 RPM motor and the paddle is the one made by Kajan.


I have had small micro bubbles in my plastic since I started using the pot. I do not have now everything is clear as a bell since I went to different set up. Like I said earlier I do not know if it was motor speed or paddle but something was causing them. I use Calhoun Plastic and that is what I have been using . I have not changed my formulas at all.

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Just a thought...but you can also try a kitchen supply store for a battery powered stirrer. They have adjustable legs to fit across the pot and slowly stir whatever is in the pot. I had one years ago when the stick worm craze started and it worked great in my Presto pot. Plenty strong and no bubbles. You can also probably find one on Ebay.   Good luck    -Dave

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