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Optium Temp for plastic

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Go to Del mart, in the forum there is contact info for Calhoun plastics. I'm sure they can give you this info.

All I know is what I have been told or read somewhere. 350 deg is the mark I beleive you want to stay at or just below. There was mention somewhere that it could ignite at or over 375-400. Also some people mention that you can pour at around 300-330. I don't have a thermo to tell me where mine is at.

Hope that helps

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320º - 350º

remember any additives will make it so you need a different temp to pour with.

I never use a temp guage as is all by pourability. you could have something at 350º with lots of salt or hard plastic and it maynot be able to pour cause its too thick.

I know some guys have had it to 400 degrees, dont know if thats true or not.

as far as ignition I have ignited it by not paying attention and having it in the microwave too long but it was due to arcing of the glitter that started it.

it will turn brown before it catches fire I mean brown black really bad.

Edited by Delw
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I almost hate to say this but it may prevent someone else from doing it. I started with a gas turkey fryer to heat my plastic. Yes, thats right, an open flame. That only lasted two days and after my first major fire, I said there has got to be a better way. NEVER USE OPEN FLAME TO HEAT PLASTISOL!!!!!!!

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