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mr max

twisted flashabou,krystal flash,etc.

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Can any member please tell me the comparative differences of brightness and stiffness in the following twisted mylar products?The products I am interested in are flashabou accent,krystal flash,saltwater krystal flash,crystal flash,midge flash,fly tyers dungeon's h2o twist and any other that I might have missed.Also what type would you recommend for tying freshwater jigs and trebles?

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Well, first there are many differences even from one brand crystal flash to antoher. What you want to do is think about what you are wanting to use it for more than what brand to use.

An example is if you are wanting a crawfish pattern for fresh water. I prefer salt water krystal flash / flashabou for this purpose. My reason is that most salt water made flash is thicker and wider than fresh water types. The up side to this is that it generally is a little more durable and doesn't have as mush "flash" than freshwater types. To me this makes it more realistic for a craw pattern.

Another example is the classic Clouser Minnow. This pattern is made to mimic a bait fish. If I am fishing this in clear moving water, I want just a small amount of FRESHWATER flashabou / krystal flash in it to make it more lifelike. On the other hand if I am fishing this in stained water I want a good bit of flash so I will use one with a good bit of this stuff in it to make it really shine in the water!

I guess an easy rule of thumb here is this -

Freshwater Flashabou is thinner with more and smaller "flakes" in it to make it shine a lot brighter; BUT it is a little less durable than saltwater made types.

Saltwater types are more durable due to being thicker and wider strips; but generally has less "flakes" making it a little less brilliant than fresh water type.

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