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More backbone

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I just made a new ice rod and was wondering if there is a way to give the rod alittle more back bone.I took a ultralight and cut 4inches off the tip and cut 6inches off off the but end.The tip or action is just right but could use more back bone. Would more rapping on butt end give it more back bone just a though.. Or is there something else I could do..Thanks

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I don't mean to jump this thread, and my apologies if that is what I am doing, but the discussion of cutting the blank is what I was wondering about. I would assume if you cut some off the tip, you will stiffen the rod because you are making the tip bigger, is that so? What happens if you cut off at the butt end? My goal is to make a rod like the Charlie Brewer Slider rods. They are 5' long and weigh 1.81 ozs. with Tennessee handle. Pop

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