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Lathe problem

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I was thrown a curve today when I broke a piece off my Grizzly mini lathe thats only about 1.5 yrs old. I called Grizzly to order the part since its their own brand but the guy says the part is on back order and wont be in for a month. So now Im not too happy with Grizzly so I started to look into other lathes since I need one before a month. Does anybody out there have anything good or bad to say about the Delta midi lathe? It costs around $250 or so but there is a $50 rebate now. Any recommendations appreciated. Thanks Bob P.

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IMHO! Im a BAD CONSUMER and an idiot and I cant believe Im saying this... but, I would buy a new lathe for a month. MOST STORES... have a 90 day return policy on most appliances, BUT KEEP YOUR RECIEPT!! So in my opinion I would get what you need for a month... seems like a win stuation for you while your part thats back ordered comes in. I dont even know if a rental store would help either, but another thing to consider... but the CHEAPEST is to buy and return... LOL!

If your lathe needs replacing.... well thats another story. But for it to only be a year and a half old..... well I dont know, it doesnt seem like it needs replacing ... just a part. Sometimes businesses make bad decisions as far as not replenishing stock quickly, and dont forget most companies have a tuff time production wise in or around Holidays like we went through.. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. Workers have other things on their mind. (BOY IM SETTING MYSELF UP TO GET BASHED HERE, HUH??)


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I have a Delta 8" Mini Lathe and it has been great to me. I got it from Micro Mart. The one I had before this one broke and it was a central machinery from Harbor Freight Tools. I contacted them and they told me that they do not stock them any more and I would have to go to the factory. I contacted them and they told me that they discontinued them and that I would have to get a machinist to make a part or try to find it on EBAY. Well...needless to say I was quite P----- Off!! I will never go to Harbor Freight Tools again. NEVER!!!Check out Micro Mart, however, if you find something better, go for it! If you get yours fixed, that would be great;it is always good to have a spare. Good Luck.


B & D Lures

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I'd try finding a mechanic first to make a new part. Probably your cheapest solution if you were happy with the lathe. If that didn't work then shop the internet, and check out peoples reviews of the lathe you're looking at. There are a lot of brands out there, un fortunately most of them are made in China so they are a little cheesy. I just bought one from Micro Mark, but I'm not thrilled with it. Minor things like a bump on the tool guide I had to file off. Still it gets the job done though I wish I could figure out what was rattling around loose inside the control housing. Delta used to be some of the best tools but my understanding is they were bought out and quality has suffered. Still I own more Delta tools than any other single brand. All in all turning lures is pretty light duty so you probably can't go to far wrong.

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I proble have the same grizzly you have.I think! The mini lathes that sell for $139? I bought a used one from a add and this person had mod. a broken part. The part was a plastic guard(turning face) that breaks under strain. I never new that grizzly used plastic and NOT for a lathe. The part he made was out of wood and a darn good job he did. (LATHE MODEL#G8690). I found later that it needed a part for the tail stock and grizzly had me send to a company in Wa.state for the part. I wonder if anything is made in usa?. I ended up paying a tol. of $85 in all VS $139.Works great but i only use wood dowel so how it would be working on block wood ,I don't know. The picture in the GRIZZLY CATALOG looks all metal but its not. " CAUTION"!!!!!!!!!!

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You're not gonna believe this one!..... So the guy from Grizzly tells me its gonna be at least a month before they will have the back ordered part....guess what shows up in the mail today...the part... only too late I already ordered a new Delta midi lathe...now I have 2. Makes me look a little impulsive huh, some times I do dumb things but who was to know. Im done with Grizzly...Hello ebay. Bob P.

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Is "Big Brother" Grizzly watching you?? Or reading your post?? I dont know... they said one thing,,, and came through with another. To me it does sound pretty impressive that they hooked you up that fast. SOME COMPANIES make up for their faults with some great customer service. To me sometimes that goes a long way, at least for me. Way to go Robert, at least you can be DOUBLING production for a bit till you sell your other lathe! :lol:


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