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Palmetto Balsa

WOW! L@@K What I Found!!! HELP!!!

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We have enough members reading every post that no one needs to post a thread name, like the one I have posted. Here is one of the main rules of the site.

"Vague topic titles: when posting a new topic, please use a descriptive topic title. Topics tilted, eg. "Help!", "Wow L@@k at this", or "I have a question" these type of topics will be removed without notice. They impede our search engine, offer no lead into the actual post & wastes time for every visitor to read a post that contained a misleading title. "

The only reason I bring this up is because for the last week or two there are new post that start with a vague title.

I do realize that on other sites, this type of title might be needed to be seen but if you post you question or new invention with the correct title it will be read by hundreds in just a few days. If there is an answer to be had it will arrive soon.

Here are the site rules and I did have trouble finding them when I went looking for them.


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I totally agree with everything you wrote, so thanks for bringing it up Palmetto.

I too have trouble finding the rules and judging by the number of members breaking them, many others are having problems too.

I have no issue with the rules, I think they are very good and keep the standard of TU a step or two ahead of the competition. But just reading todays posts, rule 3 has been once again been ignored. This is one of the best site rules, preventing TU from just becomming a display cabinet rather than a tool box.

The rules need to be displayed prominantly at the top of every page, next to "TU home" would be a good location.


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The mods (all 3) are chomping at the bit to get stricter on the rules.

The existing rules were drafted well enough to remain virtually unchanged over half a decade & have served us well.

We've been discussing these issues & look to amend the rules and make some small changes to the site in an effort to part some of the gray areas and loopholes while serving the interest in some of the questionable content that may or may not deserve a place on the site.

As for the activity being justly scrutinized here in this thread, everyone can help by simply reporting the offending topics & posts.

There is an icon atop of every post:


Once a post is reported, an email is sent to every moderator, giving us a heads up.

I can tell you our active moderators are here daily working for nothing to maintain the site. We've been doing this long enough to know we won't please everyone. Some say we over-moderate, some say not enough.

I appreciate the concern regardless.

Thank you.

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I also totally agree with what Palmetto says. If someone will choose a vague thread title, he may have less chances to get the answers he expects, but also he may have problems later, when he would like to review the thread, using the search function.

But I would like to go deeper into the problem, and try to guess why this is happening. I think that there are not (too many) long time TU members doing this. Usually such

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I suggest you keep your complaints to yourself until you become

a TU club member.

That was uncalled for. I'm not a TU club member either. Should I stop sharing all my lure building knowledge until I am? We have opinions too. All he did was bring up a valid point.

I inadvertently broke the rules recently and will gladly pay for the appropriate advertising when the time comes but as for the other TU club perks I really wouldn't use any of them.

I personally try and support this site by answering the many questions that are sent my way via pm's, forum posts or phone calls. I also have direct contact with several companies such as Iwata, Createx and Nu-Lustre 55 (Swing Paints) and I keep them informed about how their products are being used and how they can improve.

What DOES peeve me is the the guys who post useless wise-@ss comments all the time but never actually share any lure making info whatsoever. You know who you are!

Edited by Snax
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What DOES peeve me is the the guys who post useless wise-@ss comments all the time but never actually share any lure making info whatsoever. You know who you are!

I resemble that remark. :lol:

Actually, I am always a little self conscious when I post, because I've only been making lure for two years, and most of the people here have forgotten more than I know.

But in the two years I've been coming here I feel like I've made a lot of friends.

So I sometimes post wise-@ss comments, mostly as a way to say hey, and to keep my finger in the pot.

I do try to keep any thread I start issue oriented, and the title specific enough to get people to read and respond. If I open a thread, I have a question, need help, or just stumbled on something I want to share.

I am guilty of not having read the forum rules, or fully integrated what I've learned of them into my conscious brain.

I just try to remember when I'm posting that these are my friends , and deserve the same respect I would like shown to me.

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Mark, you have nothing to worry about my friend. You do share information and engage in intelligent discussions. Everyone has different amounts of skill and experience. Believe me, I learn from everyone regardless of how long they have been making baits.

The few guys I was referring to ( One in particular) are well known among the regulars and never really seem to share anything about their own products even when asked privately. This is from what I've been told by others anyway.

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Life is full of rules that we all should follow. No matter what there will always be a small percentage of folks that will ignore them and do their own thing. So; this is something that will never completely go away; even here on TU.

I'm sure that if someone consistantly breaks/ignores the rules they will be banned.(my opinion) I for one do not want folks on TU that disrupt the ebb and flow of this great resource.

I'm positive that Red and the guys are going to be on top of this.:yay: Thanks fellows.

Now for a funny.

Rules: don't speed in school zones; stay off the grass; don't smoke the grass.:lolhuh::D:D


Edited by nova
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Look on any forum you like and you will find exactly the same headings. Does it really matter ??. So what if a heading says Newbi I need HELP. If the heading meanings on a forum are the biggest concern in my life I will be a Happy Happy fella.


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Well, well, I didn't notice that his comment had any lure building

knowledge in it.!

Not every post has to have knowledge in it but certain folks never seem to contribute anything and just take take take. That was my point earlier. Heck, we all love to banter and joke around myself included.

I don't like to be made to feel like if I'm not a paying TU member then my opinions or comments have no value. I assume that is how others have been made to feel through this thread.

As long as we share info and are respectful of others, then why should we not also have the right to bring up valid points?

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Unless any one of you have ever owned or ran a forum of any kind you dont have any clue what the owner or moderators are going through. We all need to just relax, Make our suggestions to them and do our own best to follow the rules and just help then where and how we can. Jerry told us how we can help by reporting the post. Lets just do that for now. Dave has an excellent suggestion about making the rules easier to find. I can garrantee Jerry has read his post since he posted in this thread so let the admin decide on it. If the main posters here do our best to follow the rules and report the posts that dont, maybe order will follow. Maybe not. But then the admin will make a decision on what to do next. Whatever they do someone iss not going to be happy, so put yourself in there shoes. And in the mean time if we need to pick on someone lets all pick on Mark!:P

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Unless any one of you have ever owned or ran a forum of any kind you dont have any clue what the owner or moderators are going through. We all need to just relax, Make our suggestions to them and do our own best to follow the rules and just help then where and how we can. Jerry told us how we can help by reporting the post. Lets just do that for now.

As a mod/admin from another site, I can tell you that there are people out there that ask for help immediately. They cannot wait ten minutes for a reply so they keep posting in the same thread begging for help. When it doesn't get answed they will start threads that are titled like this one. Some people need to learn patience.

As for the mods on this site, they do a fine job. All you have to do is report the post(I know, I used the function recently and the thread is gone). The mods will get a warning that the thread has been reported. Then they make their decision on whether or not the post adheres to the rules. So just use the report function if something doesn't belong in a thread and let the mods/admin do their job. Thats whats their job description is.

Don't beat them up over something stupid like this. It's just a little pin ***** compared to alot of the stuff that I have seen as a mod. I got a letter from a lady the other day demanding that I get her money back ($7190) from a deal that went sour with another member. I told her that's not my job and she needs to deal with him through the courts which is correct because our site is not a court of law.

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