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TCO, one bad fly shop, a word of caution

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So it's been well over a month(11/7/08) now since I placed my first and last order with TCO flyshop. I only ordered a few things, a stacker, some dub, roll of thread, about $20 worth. It has taken them since Nov 7th, a dozen emails and 2 phone calls (1 from the owner, apologizing) More than month later I finally get a part of the order, my dub, then the thread, and finally a stacker I didn't even order. I emailed them back and was assured the new stacker was on it's way via UPS, that was days ago. I give up, they aren't going to pull through for me, it's already cost them twice the value of the order THEY screwed up. So if you are considering dealing with TCO, think about this thread.

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Y'know, while that DOES suck, they have actually had contact with you and even apologized over the phone. I've been through similar experiences with shops that couldn't give a flip about timeliness or accuracy of orders, never got a straight answer from them or any type of apology. Knowing nothing of TCO, I can't say for sure, but it looks like they are at least trying to make things right even if they are a bit pathetic on the result.

Said the heck with a few locals over the years based on service problems and complete BS about when merchandise was to be recieved. Funny, they always end up grousing about "small business and the big box competition" just before they move or close. Some folks just don't know how to run a business and keep their customers.

The TCO thing might have just been a one time hic-up on their end, but then I usually need to get screwed three times in succession before I learn my lesson with a given shop:lol: Reckon I fall into the optimist category on that one.

Some flyshops seem to treat folks better when there's a $500.00 rod on the ticket, it's that high-end retail model that gets ya on the small orders...please take your place at the very back of the line, sir!

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