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Make your own mold?

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if you will search the word molds on here you will find every bit of information you could ever need. Figure out what kind of mold you want to make (POP, DWP, Resin or RTV) then ask more specific questions on what you want to accomplish. There is plenty of people willing to help once you figure out what way you want to go.

Good Luck

How would I go about making my own mold to design a bait ideal that I have? Thanks in advance.
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I've attached a thread I posted a while back, check it out. I described all the steps in an abreviated format but you'll get the picture. Do what I did when I first found TU. I spent an hour or two reading posts back several months. All the answers are there. Read, read, read...take notes, make copies of posts, its all there for the reading...and finally, ask questions.

Biggest advise is to go slooowly and wait at least a day+ for plaster of Paris (PoP) or Durhams Water Putty (DWP) to set up hard in a warm place before going to the next step. Having soft plastics for your masters is a bonus. Making new masters from Sculpy clay can be a big undertaking. I threw away my first 3-4 molds before I got one that worked right. There is a sharp learning curve, learn from your mistakes. Good luck.


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Air drying PoP can take a week to ten days, even in a warm enviroment, although it may be usable before fully dried.

Build a temporary shelf for behind the freezer in the kitchen. Place the molds next to the hot part. This will dry the molds six times faster. Not just the heat, but their will be a continuous updraft flowing past the mold which greatly assists the drying process.


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I've had complete success with baking POP molds in the oven at 325 for an hour per inch thickness (roughly). It can be coated with Elmer's as soon as it cools enough to handle it. The Elmer's dries really fast on a warm mold so I can usually pour in a couple hours. I'm too impatient to wait days to use a new mold. Just another way of doing things. :huh:

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How would I go about making my own mold to design a bait ideal that I have? Thanks in advance.

Well, the first thing you want to do after taking the above advice and checking the tutotrials is to make a few molds of EXISTING lures and see how they turn out. Some ideas are feasible for certain types of molds and some are not. Appendages, surface detail, shape, all dictate the nature of the mold used.

Might be that you change a few things in the lure idea or in what type of mold used just by some basic experiments in the beginning. If nothing else, you'll get a feel for the process and have some experience before starting to get frustrated with the bold new lure idea:lol:

At least that's what works best for me in this craft, new ideas often go better with some experience in techniques. When the idea AND techniques are both brand new to one, it's usually a much bigger mess.

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I saw a program on TV today and they were making molds. They used floured pecan shells mixed with resin. They said thet the floured shells gave the resin strength.

This made me wonder if you could do the same thing with POP. Now I've got to go buy a few ponds of pecans in the shell to try it,lol; or has anyone else tried this?


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I bought the oomoo 25 from smooth-on about a month ago and im very happy with that product. You mix = parts, sets in 75 minutes and I made few hundred 5" senkos and still looks good.

I looked at this product and really like it, especially vs. POP...but how did you make a 2-sided mold with it? Would you do it the same as you would with POP? Thanks!

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