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Devcon an Acetone

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I tried this today just curious on the amount of acetone to use. Maybe its a hit an miss, I used the bottom of a soda can to mix with a toothpick the devcon then added a few drops of acetone this really helped to thin it down an spreading with a brush was much easier. just curious if this is the way you guys thin.

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I use small dixie cups... It don't take much acetone to thin.

One thing to watch out for with any kind of paper cup is the wax coating on them. Almost all paper cups intended for liquids are impregnated with wax to keep the liquid from soaking through. If you use any solvent thinned coating in it, the wax will instantly melt and carry over into your paint. It can cause big problems with recoating, such as fisheyes and areas that won't coat correctly. Even if you use non-solvent based paints in them, you still have to watch out for scratching off the wax and making little specks on your clear. Take a dixie cup and scratch it with a toothpick and see what I mean.

I use glass shot glasses for small mixes. Stainless cups I found at a garage sale for larger mixes.

IMHO, urethane grade lacquer thinner is the only way to go.

Edited by Downriver Tackle
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I'm always concerned about mixing epoxy thoroughly and a toothpick seems marginal to me. I save old credit and gift cards and cut them into strips to use for mixing. The plastic dividers you get with bait storage boxes are also good. I get better agitation with a flat plastic stick. I've used acetone, lacquer thinner and denatured alcohol to thin epoxy. They all work and I can't tell any difference in the hardness of the end product. A very few drops are all you need. You just need to thin the epoxy down enough so that it will smooth on a little easier in cool conditions. Too much and you'll have a drippy mess.

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I don't add acetone when I mix my top coat epoxy, so I use plastic salsa cups.

I asked the manager at my local Mexican fast food joint, and he said to take all I want. I only take a dozen at a time, and they last me for quite a while.

I use D2T for seating hardware, and coating the insides of joints.

For this, I put down a couple of strips of tape (thanks to whoeverfirst posted that tip on this site), overlapped slightly, right onto my work bench top where I work, and mix the D2T, and bondo if needed, right on the tape with toothpicks. Makes it easy to mix, easy to access, not worries about spilling, and easy to clean up.

And I don't have to worry about melting plastic cups if I add some acetone.

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