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New member, Saugarman , Kentucky hillbilly

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Hello, I recently found this site, and really enjoy reading about the baits that are being made, I've been making tackle for 25 plus yrs.

Mainly lead baits. I am really interested in making my own molds,something I've wanted to try for some time.

I have not been able to find Durhams water putty around here,but did find Dap water putty. It has some health warnings on it about breathing the powder,also about wearing gloves. It has silca and other known carcinogens in it.

Has any one tried this product? Does Durham have the same warnings?

I would really like to hear from some of you about this.

Thanks alot


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Welcome to TU.

Lots of mold information here. I have not used Durhams or Dap, but I read the specs. Dap is basically a PoP mix with a few extra bits. So I think that it will work just fine.

The instructions for Durhams and Dap do not discuss the mold application. Both are intended as fillers, requiring a stiff mix. The mix proportions will have to be modified to permit the mixture to be poured. Members talk about a thin batter consistancy. You may have to experiment or ask the specific question about mix proportions.

If you are pouring lead, you must give the mold plenty of time to dry properly, as water content is high.

There are currently three posts that have been updated in the last 24 hours, that are related to your question, so I suggest you start with reading these.


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