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"Curiousity Killed The Cattle"

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I ran into an old friend yesterday afternoon, he farms a few cattle just outside town here. I asked him how he spent New Years Eve, and his reply, "pretty hectic, I discovered three of my cows in the one paddock, one dead and two pretty crook, and spent the evening trying to get a Vet".

He thought someone may have been shooting, and decided to use them for targets, but was told the next day by the vet it was snake bite, they all had been bitten on face, nose etc, probably by the same snake. How much/strong would the venom have to be to kill a full grown cow, let alone three - He said it could have been either a Tiger a Brown snake, but there is lots of Brown's around this time of year

We have had a lot of rain lately, so lots of frogs and mice in the grass. Cattle are curious creatures, and were probably standing around sniffing the snake, high price to pay for a bit of curiousity!!

If "Curiousity Killed the Cat", it's hard to believe, I am still alive.pete

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