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Thicken Store-Bought Tubes?

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Hi guys. Does anyone have experience adding an additional layer to thicken up a store-bought tube?

For many years I have been using a quad-dipped tube (REALLY fat!) but want to downsize just a touch. I bought some double-dips (Mizmo Bad Boys) but want them one dip thicker.

So, If I by the supplies and dip the injected tubes, will the new layer stick to the tube? If not, could I preheat the tube to help. I honestly have not tried yet, nor have I ever made any plastics (besides taking a lighter to torn up tube heads...hehe).

Anyway, great site!

- dnort

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That's a good question. I would think that a pre-heat in the micro would help with the bonding of the dipped layer.

Are you planning on dipping in clear?

If you are you could always add eyes to the tubes prior to dipping and the layer of clear will add a "depth of field" look to the baits.

If you try it let us know how they turn out. Better yet post a pic.


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it works pretty good on some tubes you will have to experiment as some have differnt additives and the plastic won't adhear correctly.

I used yamamoto and reaction inovation tubes and they worked fine.

I dip them in and count to 5-15 depending on how hot my plastic is.

I dip them up to the skirt.

I usually dip red ones in white and white ones in red, sometimes black in floresant yellow and chart in black.

gives a 2 tone tube thats really cool.

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I have dipped a coat over a tube that had been cleaned with rubbing alcohol,and then wiped dry.I think that some oils come to the surface and you have to remove it to get a good bond.This has worked for me.I have heard that Windex will work,but I never tried it.:)

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Thanks for the help guys! My plastic just shipped so I hope to post some pics next week. I might add some eyes and scales topped with a clear layer and go for the HD look. Should be fun.

BTW- Funny you mention Windex. I am an electrical tech for SC Johnson in Wisconsin and I mostly support two Windex production lines. I think I'll try Windex first...Hehe.:yay:


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