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What will the shipping date of the swap be???  

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  1. 1. What will the shipping date of the swap be???

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All right guys, lets get this swap rolling along. There is room for 12-15 of us so I need you guys to sign up NOW by posting to this plz. Lets shoot for Feb 20th as a tentative deadline for participants and go for a shipping date then, shipping will be $6.00 per person which can be payed after the deadline via paypal or I will post my snail mail addy.

All participants will need to build one lure for every other participant and since this is a forum for lead heads and not restricted to just wire baits we will count spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, inlines, jigs and etc as tradable, post what you got to trade if you don't know if it fits in, when in doubt then feel free to ask. I do not salt water fish myself, but if there is a few of you saltwater guys that wanna participate then I do not see a problem with a little mini-swap in the swap for you guys to trade to each other, that way we all get what we will use. However it is best and fair for those concerned, I am sure we can do this where everyone who wants to contribute can do so and everyone gets baits that he or she will use and enjoy.... this is going to be fun I promise!!!

I have not had the pleasure of hosting a swap before and appreciate everyones patience and wanna hear any ideas, lets do this! Again I want to say that I am open to the ideas of TU members and look forward to seeing how this turns out....

Nathan are you here buddy, You in on this one?? JIM

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siebler_custom_baits: We will do one per person, some guys will probably send two per person, depends... never know about these things and thats what makes them so much fun. You will get one of your own mailed back to you, but it will make it much easier on me to get the packages together, the color or colors are up to the individual maker, I am looking forward to seeing the colors that some of you guys come up with :wink:

robertjp: I would like to keep it to 12-15 people or so, right now we have:

1. robertjp

2. siebler_custom_baits

3. Fat Ratz

4. Markell

5. basskat

6. jigmaster

7. Big Splash

And hopefully Gr8Flyz too! So there is still plenty of room for you other guys to get in too! JIM

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No problem I will add you to the list, this is the roster so far, I need everyone on it to confirm that they are still in the swap by PM'ing me, I will respond with my address and email (for paypal) so you guys can send your shipping payments, I will leave the roster open for a few more days to give all involved a chance to confirm and let the roster fill out (MAX 15 TU Members) which ever comes first, feel free to ask questions or make comments and suggestions. Thanks to all for their participation and thanks to RedG8r for giving us guys a place to meet and share our work as well as our information. Our roster for this filled up faster than I thought it would and if it is ok with all concerned we will vote for a shipping date as soon as the roster is closed, catch ya later... JIM

1. robertjp

2. siebler_custom_baits

3. Fat Ratz

4. Markell

5. basskat

6. jigmaster

7. Big Splash

8. Gr8flyz

9. cavu

10. deadlystreamer

11. Celticav

12. snookin4

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Wow, thanks to everyone who has responded and PM'ed me so quickly, nice to see the excitement starting to build!! If you have PM'ed me and DID NOT recieve a response from me please let me know. Feel free to post any questions you may have in this thread or with another PM if you prefer. My address is in the response pm and you can send the baits the moment the sign up sheet is full if you like, but wait till then so we know exactly how many we are having in this. I still want to get a consensus from the participants on a date that is good for you all to have shipped them out to me. CHECK THE POLL AS NEEDED PLZ!! I will divide them up and mail them hopefully by the day after whatever we choose at the latest, but I suspect that most of you will not wait till the last minute to ship. Some of you have asked about how many to send... I will be honest this is not just a "spinnerbait swap" but I do think that a general guideline to follow is if your lure(s) cost is equivelent to an average spinnerbait cost then you should feel that you are swapping fair and only you as the builder can answer that. The forum discription reads "Spinners, Jigs, Harnesses, Buzzbaits & more." Well the "more" has got me excited because I have seen the creativity from many of the members who are in this swap. So I am very curious to see what our members trade, both those I know and those that I am meeting in this swap. The main thing is to be sure that you are being fair to the others and fair to yourself, if you do not know for sure then ask us... we are here for each other and this is OUR swap guys, a first for TU Wire Baits and it is up to each of us in it to make it memorable, fun, and as easy as possible. :)

I am still undecided whether I will trade some of my old tired spinnerbaits or some of my bass jigs, or maybe some light arm buzzbaits I have been playing with lately...you just never know about a swap and that is the fun of it. The point of this is trading my creations for what you guys build, I am not that worried about "who sent how much of what" but I am excited to be in this and to be recieving your lures and hope you all feel the same way. Thanks again for the pm's and the interest, and keep the questions coming! JIM

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LOL, I was just sending a PM that I was just glad to be a part of it!! I appreciate that Markell and will take all "tips" out for "rigourous field testing" but it is not required.... I never saw a member here who was one turn down free baits :lol:

I have 6 confirmed so far already with one paid! That is great, I see I am not the only one here that is chomping to get this underway. RedG8r suggested a poll to help everyone get a say on the date so make sure to vote as you need. I can do this whenever is fine with everyone else... you can't rush perfection, JIM

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