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Kitty cats and lead pouring

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I am currently waiting for the rest of my order so I can start pouring lead jigs. I was planning on doing this in my garage as I got the best working area and ventilation there. That is also where my cats spend most of their time, definitely all of their sleeping and eating time. I was wondering if it was a bad idea to heat and pour lead baits in the garage (i would let them in the house for the time I was pouring baits of course) due to lead vapor and dust if any that could contaminate their living space and food. Does lead vapors leave a residue on surfaces they contact, any dust? Any help is greatly appreciated as I do not want to endanger the lives of my cats, no matter if they come equipped with nine :lol:. I do also have a shed with a ceiling vent that'll suck up air from the shed space that I could work in. Not as spacious but can be done.

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Wired, wherever you decide to pour just be sure to have good ventilation and wear gloves. Latex is best. Don't snack while your pouring, especially finger food as lead can contaminate your food and thus your system. Same goes for your kitties food just don't feed them where you work for the same reasons. If you can install an inexpensive exhaust hood, mo' better. If not use a fan to blow vapors away. You can never be too careful when dealing with lead. That said, I don't believe you'll have any problems if you follow precautions. I'm no doctor but I believe long term, unprotected exposure is the big culprit in lead poisoning and the hobbyist rarely would have problems, but as I said YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL!!! Read the sticky on lead pouring safety in wirebaits for more info. JIM

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The biggest part of your problem is cleaning up after you finish, make sure small bits of flashing or sprues are cleaned up because the cats may eat them if they are like mine...lol. Also, cats are extremely curious and anything different in thier surroundings will give them cause to investigate so make sure your lead melting pot is cool before you let your cats back in, if you keep your area clean and ventilated you should have no problem.

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I would be concerned about them spending any time in the pouring area be because of cats and dogs grooming their feet and pads; and the likelihood that they'll ingest lead dust. Just like you need to be careful about getting contaminated by finger foods or smoking when you pour; you need to be mindful of it for Kitty too.

Kitty might be better off as a house cat; give your Vet a call and see what they recommend.

Edited by Spike-A-Pike
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I would be concerned about them spending any time in the pouring area be because of cats and dogs grooming their feet and pads; and the likelihood that they'll ingest lead dust. Just like you need to be careful about getting contaminated by finger foods or smoking when you pour; you need to be mindful of it for Kitty too.

Kitty might be better off as a house cat; give your Vet a call and see what they recommend.

Bruce, very good point about the pets licking their paws. JIM

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Ive decided it would just be better to pour in my shed and save myself from worrying about the pussies. Spike-A-Pike, thank you. Your post made my mind up concerning them grooming themselves. I couldnt make them house cats all the time, litter box odor sucks, and they all play with each other too much and knock stuff down. That and they meow like crazy by my door when I sleep because they want to use the box or want to eat. Thank all you guys for your help, as always I appreciate it. :worship:

Edited by wiredhatred
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