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Another question about RTV...??

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I have a 1 pound kit of RTV from Lurecraft. The kit consists of a 14oz. bottle of silicone and a 2oz. bottle of activator.

THe Lurecraft catalog says to mix the silicone and activator at a 10:1 ratio. THe bottles actually say to mix at a 9:1 ratio. Now I am confused as I haven't worked with this stuff before and it is just sitting here staring at me...

Is there anyone that can help? I need some experienced advice to get me started. I have an awesome bait design that I want to mold, but am now at an impass.

Thanks a ton for any help that you can give. I have searched the archives here but haven't found anything about this yet.

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Thanx, SRPLASTICS. That answers my ratio question, but it opens another one for me. I will still have 4oz. of silicone left after the first 10:1 is mixed. I will also have 1oz. of activator left. how much of that ounce would I use with 4oz. of silicone?

Is there some reason that they sell it like this? Wouldn't it be easier if they just sold exact mixtures?

I guess I will have to call and complain...

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The silicone from LC is pretty good, I've gone through about 13 lbs of the stuff. I found out early that to much activator was better than to little, plus it hardens the mold quicker, if you don't have the measurements perfect it still works. One other thing when working with the silicone wear some type of latex gloves, I do now but didn't when I first started, nobody told me that I should. I still have dryness and cracking on my finger tips.

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