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Shelf life of OOMOO 25 Silicone Rubber?

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Longhorn the green part will settle and get real thick on the bottom. I use the mixer part from a kitchen mixer in my drill. The blue part will separate but its easier to mix just mix both parts real good before using them. I dont know how long I have had some sit but its been a while at times. The only time I have had it go bad was when I only had a little left in the bucket and I had it for a long time. You should be fine. I like the oomo because its cheao and fast and easy to use. I use it for prototyping.

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It depends. I use a lot of different things. Oomoo is the easiest molding material that I have used. However it tears easily and it distorts easily if the mold is not stored flat. oomoo also cures agaisnt almost anything. Platinum silicone is much stronger but it wont cure against a lot of the materials os coatings I use. So if I want to use a platinum mold I will make a master mold from my original proto using oomoo. Then I will make several castings to use as masters in the Platimun. You can use the platinum for lead and its tear strenght is much stronger then oomoo. I use steel molds for mass production and many other types of molds for different aplications. Each type of molding material has its posatives.

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