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Who made the firetiger musky bait on the random thumbs?

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since the thumbnails are RANDOM :lol: I'll take a guess and go for Fatfinger's work, one of the best in here :worship: if not , you will still love the pics from his gallery, I'm curios if this firetiger lure is in his gallery

Tackleunderground Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Uploads Posted By fatfingers

take a look , 20 pages of masterpieces , and some firetigers between them :yes:

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I don't want or need to be anyones favorite but I have a feeling that he made a point of not mentioning me in his post on purpose. Maybe I'm wrong. It's the way he said what he said. There's so many amazing bait makers here it's ridiculous and I certainly don't think I'm any better than those mentioned, just different.

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eh, it seems we are on fire in here :lol: at least I've mentioned that "I guess it is FatFingers and it is ONE OF THE BEST" (some firetigers in his gallery too) , if I were to make a list, o booooy!!!, not enough room in here to post all the names :teef:

@snax, bring on some new ones in the gallery, it seems people have forgotten you :whistle:( no offense ) , just took some time to admire your work, you have some very realistic paints in there :yay:

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I wouldn't take it personally. I was not on that list, nor was Jerry Podmarsky, Jed, Todd Clevland (:eek:), Novak, ect...........

I am crying in my beer right now :sauced:


P.S. Don't take this seriously- just having some fun

Edited by Spike-A-Pike
Rule 4 violation
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Hey Joe, how are ya?

It's only because he has a history of posting smart@ss remarks aimed at me that I thought he was at it again. Maybe I was wrong but I doubt it. Like I said there's a ton of talented bait makers here. I suppose with a name like Musky Snax it's hard not to think of me when thinking of musky lure builders. :rolleyes:

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Mike I will suck it up and look like the Donkey. Im sorry I left you off my stupid list or anyone else that makes outstanding musky baits. I will leave you with a favorite quote I like to read from time to time.

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood: who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

Your a very talented lurecrafter and a amazing artist! Im sorry for the comment and would like to break bread and end stupid fued. Anyone that makes a bait at all.. Is an artist.

Good luck with your baits in the future and I wish you the best.

The Rookie

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I wouldn't take it personally. I was not on that list, nor was Jerry Podmarsky, Jed, Todd Clevland (:eek:), Novak, ect...........

I am crying in my beer right now :sauced:


P.S. Don't take this seriously- just having some fun

Joe im a big fan of your baits also. Edited by Spike-A-Pike
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