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Help with a lee pot

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I changed mine out once. As I remember it was just a matter of taking the screws out of the top and removing it but I may not remember everything as it was several years ago.

I haven't found anything to keep it from rusting. I used to spray WD40 in it but got tired of the burning smell everytime I used it. I just keep mine about 1/2 full of lead and when it gets bad I empty it and use a steel brush on the end of a drill to buff the rust out.

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I have changed one BUT ....... It is better to send the whole thing back to Lees and they will replace it for 1/2 the current cost of a new one ... You are W A Y A H E A D on this deal ...

Go to Lees Web Site for further info.

Hope that helps ... I was glad some one on this Forum informed me of this (after I had changed out the one) ...



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Actually it was me that did the teflon thing. I ordered the liners from Lurecraft and had them sent to a place in Oregon for coating and in turn they sent them to me. Its still a good idea but the liner needs a tougher coating which they offer. I just never got it done. Its less than 5 bucks per liner. I have replaced all the liners and controls in all my pots more than once. The housing is held together with usually 4 screws and the sides of the housing fit inside one another. Remove the screws on the top and bottom of the outside liner. There is a ring on the top and the bottom of the outside liner which has to be removed to get the outside liner off. It takes some gentle persuading specially if the pot has been used for awhile. Once these are off you will notice a rod that makes a loop around the bottom of the inside liner and enters into the main housing and secured with a couple nuts. All this has to come off to free up the old liner. Reverse the procedure to assemble. There is some wiring in the housing and 2 leads to 2 different posts. If your not sure which one goes to which post, mark them so they go back the same way. It may not make a difference but better to be safe than sorry. This whole process is time consuming but can save a lot of money. Pots are around 70 bucks but all the key pieces in one can be replaced for around 10

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