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Hello from MO

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LOVE THIS SITE almost as much as tackle making. Started making jigs to replace bad winter habits while the water is hard. Its a great replacement. I make Shakey round and football- screw loc jigs, as well as shakey round reg. and just got into bass jigs this year.

Love fishin 1% more than lure makin so I do that most of the summer unless I burn up my supply. Fish Twain and Table Rock mostly but I am lookin to expand on that. Love fishin farm ponds and I'll rarely turn down a day for crappie.

Good to see I am not alone in the tackle making world and hope I can help you as much as you guys/gals? have helped me.

Steve Sizemore

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Stagio, welcome to TU.

You are probably already aware of how addictive this leisure persuit is, but you will soon find out how this addiction will escalate now that you have joined the ranks of TU. I hope you read the health warnings and signed the disclaimer documents.

You will never, ever burn out your supply of lures ever again, nor will your friends.


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