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Need help with an idea for a ratttle trap

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Just curious, where did you locate your inlet hole Jamie?

Vodka, I think you have read enough patents and or manuals related to ur former job to know you can't really tell much from what they write :lolhuh::rolleyes:

Edited by LaPala
Misspellled Jamie :D
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Just curious, where did you locate your inlet hole Jamie?

Vodka, I think you have read enough patents and or manuals related to ur former job to know you can't really tell much from what they write :lolhuh::rolleyes:

Lapala if you look at the pic in the earlier post, its in the flat portion of the head between the nose of the bait and the line tie on top. If you count three pins ,on the bottom of the bait back, then goto the top of the head here is the starting point. The hole then angled back torwards the front hook hanger at the bottom of the bait. this would give about the same angle of the bait swimming in the water. All the exit holes intersect the main entrance hole at different spots through out the chamber. I would show you a pic but ive already filled in the holes. Sorry if this sounds confusing.
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Lapala with me molding this bait with no holes I will be able to drill different options out and the one you said is on my list. Ive also thought about one larger hole entering and two on the side slightly smaller exiting like a T. Also thought about making the T shaped slightly different and make Y shaped with the vents angled at a 45 degree instead of a 90. I will try all differnt things and see what will work the best and then mold the bait again with the adjustments made into the bait. I dont realy know if this idea will work but its fun trying.:yay:

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Poured some baits today, and started on one of the four designs of the venting bait idea.On this bait you can see the top intake hole through the bait and then the vent hole out on the bottom. On the side profile you can see the notch ,and to me it resembles a whistle, i dont know if this matters but we will see. Dont mind the little nick in eye sock(this a test bait anyway)I was cleaning up a litle around the eye with a dremel and chipped it a bit.In the morning I will make the other designs into the bait and take them for a dip and see how they swim. Time is hard to find right now with my sons baseball practices started up and between that and work, But Im off tomorrow for my birthday and I should be able to work all morning on these and some other baits that needs finishing.Hope to post some pics tomorrow of the other designs.

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Here is option # 3 it has a larger intake hole with two vent holes along each gill plate along the bottom.All these baits still need a little sanding to remove the seam lines.Option #4 is this design but with smaller intake and vent holes. What do you guys think so far?

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Actually, I have been thinking about how this is going to be tested from day one.

My thought is a smear of silicone glue around the inlet and fix some instant coffee grains, for a bath tub test.

Video if available, so you don't have to keep repeating the test.

I was thinking of potassium permanganate chrystals, but these might stain your bath purple along with your angry wifes face.


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Lapala I was thinking the same thats why I decided on two different option for this one giving room for error while clearing. Its going to factor in how much problem with the clear will cause with the vent holes if I go big or small on the vents due to clogging of the vents.I know that I can drill out if the bait if it gets alittle clear in the holes but I wanted to avoid as much as possiable because it gives your bait a poor quality finish at the end.

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