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wire thru soft plastics

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I am tinkering around trying to figue out how to put a wire and a glass bead rattle into a soft plastic. eliminating the need for a jig head.

I have pour a few but can't figure out how to keep everything suspended or centered in the mold. I am pouring from the nose of the bait and the plastic is pluging up around the wire therefore not letting the plastic go to the bottom of the mold.

I will figure this out eventually just wondering if any of you might have any experience with this.

Later boogie

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I am tinkering around trying to figue out how to put a wire and a glass bead rattle into a soft plastic. eliminating the need for a jig head.

I have pour a few but can't figure out how to keep everything suspended or centered in the mold. I am pouring from the nose of the bait and the plastic is pluging up around the wire therefore not letting the plastic go to the bottom of the mold.

I will figure this out eventually just wondering if any of you might have any experience with this.

Later boogie

Paper clips are great for suspending wires and hooks and such.

or you can take a dremel and cut a hook pocket in it.

As far as putting the plastic around the jighead and glass bead, you might just drop the glass bead part cause it won't serve any purpose imbedded in plastic. it wont be heard so to speak. Don't forget covering lead in plastic also takes away the sound the lead makes when hitting rocks.

They are nice like that if you don't worry about sound.

Westy worms here in AZ were really good, they started covering the lead head a few years back and they don't work near as good. most guys cut the plastic away from the head.

Edited by Delw
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I guesss I should have speified that I am using 2 piece pop molds. I dont want to put lead inside. I just need a wire to run thru with a nose tie on point and one drop for a treble hook. I have some lures like this that I have torn apart and they make a pretty loud clicking noise whenever they a popped. it comes from a two small beads inside a sealed glass tube. You would think the plastic would deaden the sound but you can hear the clicks very clearly. I have tried cutting a slot for the drop on the wire with little sucsess. I dont knoew how I would use the paperclips one a 2 piece mold due to only having one pour hole and one vent?

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You are going to have to modify your mold to make this work .. Instructions from Del was for a 1 pc mold.

If you have a POP mold you might have to start out from scratch and mold in your slots for the wire and off set the pour hole if you want the wire to come out the nose .. Tie the rattler to the thru wire ... It will take a little trick venting .... and after all that will you get more than a couple of casts ?? The wire (unless it is real short) will do some big time cutting ... Can you use braided coated leader wire ?? being flexible will not cut out as bad.

Good Luck and let us know how it turns out.



Edited by JSC
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I fish with these baits religously They are awesome for winter trout in the gulf coast for those of us that like to wade.

These baits have a stainless steel wire and a glass rattle in them and are all soft plastic. I can see a pour hole on the bottom side. I also don't see any flashing lines that I get with all my 2 piece molds.

As far a s the wire cutting into the plastic it has not been an issue there is a small bell attached to the wire at the nose.

anyway these baits are awesome and if any of you guys like to wade the saltwater shallows for big trout I would be more than happy to recomend you trying this bait.

They are made by Mr. Paul Brown in Houston TX. you can find his website by searching B and L Corky.

By the way I do not want to copy this bait I have my own idea and twist I just want to use the thru wire technique.










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