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rod drying

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Hello to the rod builders, I have been making baits for sometime now and thought that I might try my hand at making a stick to use them on.

The one thing that has me a bit puzzled is in drying. I have seen photos of rod drying equipment, and there is always a support on the ends and sometimes in the middle. My question is how does the finish dry smoothly under the support wheel, and why doesn't the wheel get gummed up? Can someone tell me what I am missing?

Thanks a bunch, Les

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Thats OK B Bug at least you were smart enough to ask. I remember the first rod I ever built. I am the typical man and needed no instructions. I put finish on the entire rod and yes it gummed up, but not right away. It took about 30 minutes to an hour for it to gum up enough to stick to the supports and turn everything over onto the floor into one big mess. Scrap one rod blank and a bunch of rod finish. :whistle:Felt pretty stupid. I had that for a long time as a reminder to read before attempting new things.

Edited by MTfishingrods
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