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newbe question how to get started

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I start by finding a good place to pour. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, but just clear out a spot for you to work. I would get some gloves to use to hold molds or cups you plan on pouring out of. Do you plan on heating with a microwave or some sort of pouring pot. If your using a micro you'll need a pyrex cup to pour out of. I personally bought a kit from del that inlcuded everything I needed. You will need to decide what colors you want. If you have your molds picked out then you'll need to find what plasctic you want to use as well. I like to include salt in some of my baits. I buy salt from del and don't have to grind it anymore than what it comes as. I also add softner to my plastic. The last thing I put in is some scent. I've bought some from Del and also from upperhand scents. You might also consider buying some bags that are a little better than your standard issue zip lock bag. Buy something made for plastic baits. The only other thing that comes to mind is some worm oil. Some people squirt that on their baits as they are packaging them up. It will make the baits shine in the package and keep them from sticking. Many here just squirt more scent on them in place of the worm oil. Have fun and be careful. This can become addicting!

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One other thing I forgot to mention was that while waiting on my supplies I did a ton of reading here. I paid close attention to people that were having problems and read the responses that some of the more seasoned guys gave. I think that helped me from having problems out of the gate.

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One other thing I would mention is you might want to get yourself an old toaster oven to preheat your molds with. This will save you a lot of frustration in the long run. If your molds are too cold the cavities won't always fill up right at first. And as the last poster said, pay attention to what the folks on here say, they know what they're talking about. JIM

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