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Eye screw???

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Foamy, Not to preclude Kellure's generous offer, but it's easy to twist up your own screw eyes from ss wire. IMO, the advantage is you can customize wire size/length of the screw to suit the particular bait, plus hand twisted screws have more glue surface than tapered screw eyes. I can see the attraction of factory built screw eyes if you build in high volume but if you're a hobby builder, hand twisted is a useful alternative.

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Foamy, Not to preclude Kellure's generous offer, but it's easy to twist up your own screw eyes from ss wire. IMO, the advantage is you can customize wire size/length of the screw to suit the particular bait, plus hand twisted screws have more glue surface than tapered screw eyes. I can see the attraction of factory built screw eyes if you build in high volume but if you're a hobby builder, hand twisted is a useful alternative.

How do you do that?


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Kellure,Thanks for the generous offer,need about a dozen of them though.Do you sell them?I need a 1"screw,a coarse thread would be great but everyone that sells them seem to sell a standard thread size and do not have a choice between a coarse thread or fine thread screw.

Bobp are you talking about the through wire method?you have my attention ,If your talking about making a actual screw with SS wire I really have no idea on how to accomplish this,care to elaborate more?currently I'm working on 6 top water wood plugs .

21xdc thanks for that link,looks like they have about everything there....cool site.

Edited by seafoam
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IPOCK, I use the method illustrated in SmokeyJ's link. You can adjust the diameter of the eye by using different size drill bits clamped in the vise. I often use .031" bright stainless steel wire or, for crawfish pattern baits, coffee colored Malin Hard Wire stainless leader wire in .029" diameter. It makes a nice "stealth" hanger. I like the method for 3 reasons: you can customize the size/color of the screw eye, it makes a screw eye that's easy to mount a split ring onto, and I don't have to stock screw eyes. It takes me about 30 mins to whip up a batch of screw eyes and line ties for 6 baits, so it's not something a volume custom builder would necessarily favor. I use the same method when making baits that have the line tie out on the lip, just make the shank of the screw eye as long as needed.

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