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Bait Color

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I make mostly heavy salt water jigs, the usual round, bullet and flat sided ones and some fish shaped. My question to you all is, what colors work best all around?

When I start painting these things, the artist comes out and I hardly ever do two exactly alike. The colors I like best imulate live bait, blues & greens on top with white or silver on bottom.

I know a lot of commercial producers design lures and jigs to catch fishermen, and there is nothing wrong with that (Me, I just like the "pretty" colors), but I would like input in reference to what you all have found about what the fish like best. This question is in reference to salt water mostly.

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Mike, Making saltwater lures for Louisiana waters may be a bit different than anywhere else due to the almost constant tinge of the water. I have found that the base colors of red, chart, white and grape work best for me.

The red and green colors tend to "glow" in dirtier water and still show up bright in clearer aqua.

The current rage in saltwater lures here is contrast therefore when I pour, it is always a 2-color lure offering contrast. I pour red/chart, red/white, grape/white, etc...to get the best of both worlds.

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Thanks for the input. I do most of my fishing in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico. About the only artificials I use are trolling rigs for Kings. Thats all going to change with new interest on inshore and reef fishing, thus my interest in colors. As stated before, I have a hard time painting more than one or two identical lures. Don't plan to sell lures for a living, but when I give, trade or sell a few of my creations, I would like to know I am producing more than a bauble.










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For fresh water the non color > "BLACK" has out fished all colors according to the PRO'S so I've read over and over threw the years.Second is "flash " added to lures. Salt walter is diffrent and like fresh , you have > clear,stained,bar sand colors. Check this book out >"WHAT FISH SEE" ( It covers >understanding optics and color shifts for designing lures and flies.) To find this book at a book store($14)(180 pgs) Look up > 1999 by Colin Kageyama,O.D.,F.C.O.V.D. or Frank Amato publications inc.P.O.box 82112,Portland Ore. 97282 or Ph#503.653.8108 The book covers the colors at all depths in fresh and saltwater.

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