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reel doctor

Spinnebait Clevis'

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Seems to me they should be the same. I have found a few over the years that were as you described and I just pitched them thinking they were bent wrong out of the machine. Is it possible you have a bad batch. I can't think of an advantage for them being different lengths. I will look tomorrow when I get out to the shop and double check.

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@ reel doctor

Not a pro' by far , but I also suspect them to be production failures , since I never came across such .

In the book "Luremaking" by A.D. Livingston(dealing on all kinds of leadheads and wirebaits) they don't mention such as well , only "stirrup clevises" , "folded clevises" and "quick-change clevises" .

But I guess , rigging these with the longer arm towards the blades rear is the better way , since like this the blade can't bind with the shaft .

greetz :yay:, diemai

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reel doctor - I've noticed that before with stirrup clevises and I use them so the longer arm is facing the line tie. It seems to help the blade get spinning a little more freely. IMHO

As a rule, I don't use the folded clevises. I had a few with the folded ends were crushed (from Herter's - like 25 or 30 years ago) and have avoided the type ever since. Oops; I hope I didn't just date myself too badly!:lolhuh:

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I started out many years ago with folded clevises , these have obviously been of minor quality , since I have found , that the circular force of bigger blades had deformed them after a while , bending its two wire holes close together .

I quickly switched over to stirrup clevises then , had to mailorder them from the USA , since these were not availablle over here these days .

greetz :yay:, diemai

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