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Feels Sooooooooo Good

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Well I made 5500 sinkers my first week in business and sold everyone.

Yea I know that sinkers aren't very imaginative but I bought out a sinker maker. I have spinnerbait and buzzbait molds too. Also got the Zonar and vibrating bait molds too. Feels good to be back making lures and sinkers. Been out of it for 15 years. Got the fishing bug again when I moved to Florida and live on the Caloosahatchee river.

Other new things while I was away???? I can order online. Makes things a lot easier. THere was no internet when I made lures before. Now I don't have to wait. Just go to site and order and type in credit card number. Before I had to call them. Which isn't a big deal but at least I can see what I want before I buy it.

Now there are lure building forums like this one and web sites like this one too. A wonderful world we live in.

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Sounds like you have the world by the butt, and it's weighted down for you. :) pun intended.. :rolleyes:

You sound like you have your hands full just making sinkers. It should keep you out of trouble. With nice weather like you must be having down there, It's probably nice to have something to do. Let me suggest something for you to do.. Ship some sunshine up here to Michigan. If you can't do that, spend a minute or two a day feeling sorry for us.

All kidding aside, Welcome to the site, glad to have you aboard. even if you are from Florida. :wink:

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All kidding aside' date=' Welcome to the site, glad to have you aboard. even if you are from Florida. :wink:

Ha Ha, dont mind George, hes jus cold & jealous :lol::wink:

Theres some good fishin on the Caloosahatchee, & it runs up to Okochobee. Fort Myers has some good fishin waters, Lakes Park, Estero River, Imperial River & you can head down to the fort myers Pier, Ive caught many fish around that pier.

I'm about 45 minutes south of you in naples, Welcome aboard!

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