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Broken vice

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Ditto Regal. It has different size jaws if you need them. Also if you need a light, McKinsey makes a high intensity bulb type with a flexible handle that mounts on the bar coming up out of the pedestal. If necessary they also have a wire bobbin holder that is nice. It's a good tool. Feels good. Easy to tie with. Lots of pro tiers use a Regal.

Just avoid the Nor-Vise piece of junk. Crotchity device that makes you always tie like with the wrong hand!

Good luck!


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Just avoid the Nor-Vise piece of junk. Crotchity device that makes you always tie like with the wrong hand!

Good luck!


We went from an under $100 request to a $300 vise?(to start) I have seen and played around with the new Nor Vise, far from a piece of crotchity junk. Have never felt such a smooth true rotary action, but opinions vary I guess. Now if you say not worth the $$, I could agree on that.


On many forums, people ask this question. What are you looking to tie? How many times a year do you use it? If it's just some jigs of teaser hooks, my 'ole man tied 1000's a year on one of those $29.95 cheap vises you can buy that just clamp onto the table. Bought his at Hagens I think.

I'll send you a link to check out.

Edited by BLT
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The point of a vise for me is how much can you get for your money. One that I like for a vise under $100.00 is the griffin Odyssey spider vice. It is a rotary vice . Once you use the rotary feature you might wonder what you did with out it. You can also up grade it with add ons or accessories. I am using the Montana mongoose. I think the company is a head of the competition.

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