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epoxy primer

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I've been making buzzbaits and spinnerbaits for a few years now, been hand painting the heads buy hand with a brush, but it gets to be very time consuming so I'm going to start using an airbrush. My question is what epoxy primer do you use to prime the lead with, one that sprays through an airbrush? I've been using automotive paints and primer to paint with, but dont think they would spray through the airbrush. Have'nt bought an airbrush yet, but got my eye on a few. Been reading the site for a while now, some great stuff on here :yay:

Thanks for the help,


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I used to use vinyl paint on all my lead baits. It is good stuff, but you still have all the clean up and nasty fumes. Plus you have to thin it 50/50 to get it to flow without spider webs. I now paint everything with powder paint. It is cleaner, faster, safer and very easy clean up. I use the powder spray guns and get some interesting combinations. You can also use liquid paints on top of powder for scales and other detail work, but then you have to clear coat to protect the detail or applied eyes. Hope this helps.

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Basseducer, yes it helps, but I'd like to stay with spray painting, I've been a bodyman for 21yrs. just never picked up an airbrush, always been normal paintguns. Let me change the question a little. Do you or anybody else know if you can spray automotive epoxy through a airbrush. Any info on size of tips? I know it would have to be thinner than normal,

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Basseducer, yes it helps, but I'd like to stay with spray painting, I've been a bodyman for 21yrs. just never picked up an airbrush, always been normal paintguns. Let me change the question a little. Do you or anybody else know if you can spray automotive epoxy through a airbrush. Any info on size of tips? I know it would have to be thinner than normal,

You may want to ask this question in the hardbait section, as there are a lot more guys, there that use air brushes along with lacquers and automotive paints. Also when I started spinnerbait making, I used to spray etching primer on my jigs for paint adhesion. It was gray color, but I suggest you use white, as it would be better for light colored paints. It was available by the gallons and was sprayable through an airbrush. That was about 5 years ago, I'm sure they have something better now.

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Man ,you hit it right on the head, I just had this great big light bulb go off:worship: Never even thought about etching primer, it would still give me the adhesion I need for paint to stick, and would be thin enough to spray through an ab. What brand did you use. I see you avatar is a spinnerbait, you still making them. Again A great big thank you.

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Man ,you hit it right on the head, I just had this great big light bulb go off:worship: Never even thought about etching primer, it would still give me the adhesion I need for paint to stick, and would be thin enough to spray through an ab. What brand did you use. I see you avatar is a spinnerbait, you still making them. Again A great big thank you.

When I started making jigs I thought that etching primer was a must before putting on powder paint. Only to find after doing extensive studies with powder paint and lead adhesion, that if the lead is clean, and preferably newly poured, that etching primer was not needed. Well now since I do only powder paint, I do not use etching primer, and the paint holds up extremely well. The nice thing for me about not using etching primer is #1 I don't have to tape off all the hooks anymore, once you spray it on it is hard to get off and #2 I don’t have an extra step in my process, plus I don't have to pay for etching primer anymore. The primer I used to use was in 12 oz spray cans. The ones I used were Plasti-kote sandable lacquer primer, then I went to NAPA’s #7220 Technique self etching primer. Also I believe I paid $11 per can. It's not cheap but it does work really well. It is also available in gallons. I hope this helps.

As far as my avatar goes that is all powder paint, 5 colors + a glitter coat and a clearcot. Yes I still do make them.

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I know what you mean about painting with a spray can, been down that road. As of now I'm using a brush, very time consuming, and am pretty limited on detail, so I'm wanting to get away from that, so I'm wanting to airbrush them. I've never tried painting them with out a primer first. I've been a bodyman for 21 years, and am kind of stuck in that line of thinking, if ya know what I mean. When I paint my buzzbaits and spinnerbaits I use automotive paint on them, I put pearl of flake in the clear and brush it on, but want to ad some more detail to them, like some accent colors. I know hardly anything about powder painting. So I'm looking for a way to airbrush everything, to speed it up, and add more detail. I've seen other people who have spinnerbaits that are airbrushed, just not sure what steps they are doing to get there, this has been a BIG learning process for me.:yay:

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I know what you mean about painting with a spray can, been down that road. As of now I'm using a brush, very time consuming, and am pretty limited on detail, so I'm wanting to get away from that, so I'm wanting to airbrush them. I've never tried painting them with out a primer first. I've been a bodyman for 21 years, and am kind of stuck in that line of thinking, if ya know what I mean. When I paint my buzzbaits and spinnerbaits I use automotive paint on them, I put pearl of flake in the clear and brush it on, but want to ad some more detail to them, like some accent colors. I know hardly anything about powder painting. So I'm looking for a way to airbrush everything, to speed it up, and add more detail. I've seen other people who have spinnerbaits that are airbrushed, just not sure what steps they are doing to get there, this has been a BIG learning process for me.:yay:

If you are interested in pursueing powder painting I among others can help and assist you on this site. PM me your e-mail, and we can discuss some things without getting into pages of info over here.

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