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A Little Tidbit on Softener

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Well I found out something the hard way (as usual!!). For those of you who don't know this, the brand of softener DOES make a HUGE difference in your plastic. For the past 2 years I have been using 3-G softener. I had been mixing 7 cups of softener in a 5-gallon jug of Calhoun plastic. Well I finally ran out of 3-G yesterday and mixed Lure Craft's for the first time. I wasn't sure if the brand made a difference, so I started with 5 cups of Lure Craft softener. Needless to say, the plastic poured like water and the baits felt like mush. Had to reharden everything again. :(

Next time I'll start with 1/3 cup per gallon.

The bottom line is I apologize to those of you who followed my mixtures on previous posts. You have to be VERY careful when working with softener. I thought my learning days were over. :|


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The same applies to hardener. With lurecraft plastic the most effective hardener for me was from barlows, then lurecrafts, then the stuff from Janns Netcraft?. It would take me 15-20 times more of the stuff from janns than the barlows to get the same results. The difference between lurecrafts and barlows was not too great. I just started w/ calhoun plastic and it is different. I found it to heat faster, but it cools very slow. Just a question for you, I have the soft hand pour calhoun plastic and I need hardener for the bait to even keep it's shape. When I used the straight plastic, it was a gooey mess that never got better w/ time. Do you have another type of plastic?

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I believe Calhoun sells 2 other durometers of plastic; regular and saltwater. The only problem is Calhoun is no longer distributing to us smaller tacklemakers. You might check with Del at www.del-mart.com and see if he has any of the tougher plastics in stock. I'm assuming you're keeping the hand-pour version mixed properly? While Calhoun settles very little, it will separate over time.


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