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Fish scent

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I just started reading the forum in search of an affordable alternative to Senko's, and it looks like I've hit the jackpot!

I haven't yet tried to pour a single worm, but after reading some the posts about scent additives I couldn't help making this suggestion: go to a plant nursery and look in the liquid fertilizer section for Fish Emulsion. It's basically concentrated liquified fish in a bottle. I sprayed it on my garden once, but the odor was so offensive I will never do it again! I diluted it as recommended but the smell was so horrible that 3 hours later neighbors were still complaining. I plan to try this stuff eventually, but it might be a few weeks before I get started, and I thought maybe somebody else might want to give it a try in the meantime. But wear a mask when you open the bottle!

BTW I've seen it at Lowe's, but not Home Depot or Walmart.

Thanks for all the tips, this is a great site.


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