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Rigging a plastic swim bait

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Can someone explain to me or give me a link on how to rig a swim bait. I am pouring the weighted hooks see pic. I know how to rig the one with the hitchhiker but not this one. Do you stick the hook eye into the bait? If so don't you rip open the head and damag it? Thanks Guys










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Dead on Cadman. You have to run the eye hook from the bottom of the bait up into the head. Reverse of normal.... Won't dmage the bait to bad that way but a spot of glue will help with the tear.

I have started using the pinch on weights that are being made. You can use a normal hook and just pinch whatever weight you want on to you hook.


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The best way would be:

-Put the tip of the hook through the nose and out the bottom like you are rigging a standard texas rig.

-Remove the hook from the bait leaving just a hole.

-Insert the eye of the hook into the hole at the bottom and out the nose. (The hole will work as a guide and reduce the amount of tearing).

-Then hook the tip in the back texas style, skin hooked, or whatever you prefer.

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