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#10 blade. What metal?

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@ RickJames

Shop-bought blades are stamped out of brass sheet and after nickel plated(silver colored ones) .

I am making my own spinner blades out of stainless steel sheet , 0,5 millimetres thick , since I have easy access to it at the scrapyard of my work , also it is more rigid than brass or copper of same thickness .

For blades up to 3" in length its still OK , for bigger , heavier ones one might choose a bit thicker sheets , since these thinnner ones might deform under higher tension , the longer/wider they get .

On the other hand thicker material is harder to cut and shape , also heavier blades do spin more slow .

Made smaller blades out of 1,0 millimetre copper , they did not perform too well , since they were too heavy .

I have also made trials with 1,0 millimetres aluminium sheets , works fine in terms of cutting , shaping and spinning , but these can't be shiny polished , have to be painted or decorated with decal foil .

good luck:yay: , diemai

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@ Rick James

Glad , that I could help a bit:wink: !

Through the years I have made hundreds of spinnerblades and spoons from sheet metal , most likely utilized stainless steel(spinner blades) , but also copper and brass(spoons) .

If you should have any further questions , feel free to post !

good luck:yay: , diemai

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