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Latest Jig Creations

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I figured that after my introduction a few days ago, I should post some pictures of my Latest Jig Creations.

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.:yay:

Hot Pink / Purple / Chartreuse


Yellow (with white) / Chartreuse


Yellow / Orange / Red


Red / Orange / Yellow


Chartreuse / Blue / Hot Pink


White / Orange


White / Chartreuse


I might post a fw more in a few days.

Oh, and of course. I will be using some of these in the next couple of days. Hopefully they will be liked by some Snook and/or Tarpon.8O

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Thanks for the observation, yankee jigger. The reason that the ends come out even is that I am using 8" crimped nylon. So I will use one 8" strand for more than one jig. So, when I measure and cut, the end comes out even.

I also like the uneven end.:yay: Do you use Crimped Nylon or Bucktail on yours? I imagen that Bucktail would end up with uneven ends if you dont trim the end. Since you would use the whole hair strand for the jig. I personally dont use bucktail to make my jigs. Since I saw some bucktail that a buddy of mine bought. I just can't see myself using the whole thing. Since the hairs are not all the same size. I just can't stand the thought of letting any material go to waste (much less when an animal is sacraficed for the material). But thats just me.:o

I was actually thinking about giving a call to a company (can't remember the name now), that I heard will send out a sample of the Fishair.

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I only use the ends so there is some waste.

Scrap reduction is in the works.

Also,ive gotten some really crappy bucktail from some mail order outfits.Now i pay a couple extra dollars and go to a local fly shop.I physically inspect each piece of bucktail by opening the bag and feeling it.

The guy that runs the shop doesnt particularly care for me doing it but if he wants my business,he will just pipe down.

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