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Grab Bass

my own plastics ,is it worth it.$$$

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Hello all,I`m new to the board. I like the comradery I see here. Been fishin since I couldn`t reach the kitchen table top.Done lots of bass fishin but find myself in the salt about 80% of the time nowadays.I used to make some crank baits ,but it took to much time and they didn`t do as well as manf. units.

Question. Is it economically feasable to pour my own plastics for my own use at a savings of about half the manf. prices. Primarily I want to pour about 200 6" pearl sluggos and 50 9" sluggos in two tone.[ark shiner]. Its strictly about money.Even though I`m retired,I don`t need extra things to do. Can it be done or can some one on here sell them to me. I just don`t know how many units to expect from a gallon of plastic. Is there a ratio formula I can use. Maybe weigh a pack of sluggos and a gallon of plastic. Its probably not that simple.I never poured any plastics but I have already made several plaster molds that will probably make a good copy.I have an old micro wave oven to heat up.I`m thinking I can lay a plastic pipe on top of the fresh pour to get the concave affect on top. What do you think.Thanks for any help.

Grab Bass

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Forgetaboutit, your a tacklemaking convert waiting to happen :wink:

if its only about the money, sure youll save some cash, but youll trade it back in for the effort of actually mixing & pouring a gallons worth of baits.

Heres the ticker:

Whether you copied a bait, or designed your own, when you put your work on a hook & bring it back with a nice fish on it, again & again, its all over with. the feeling that gives ya........ man......feels good.

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Well put Red. Sounds to me like a guy just achin' to start this hobby. :lol:

On a serious note, I once had this stuff jotted down somewhere but all I can remember now is...........

barring any major mistakes, with a gallon of plastic I could make 900 6-inch worms, 1100 4-inch worms, and 1000 4 inch sluggos. I'm guessing you could make at least 600-700 6-inch sluggos with a gallon of plastic. Those 9 inchers are beasts......not sure how many on those. Also keep in mind that you've never poured before. I used quite a bit of plastic before I could pour anything consistently. Not to discourage you in any way. You will definitely save money in the long run, especially when you get the hang of it and you get that "itch" that we all have. Hang in there - you'll be an addict (like the rest of us) in no time. :lol:


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Thanks for the input guys and yeah,I`m a good candidate to start pouring.I have tied my own bucktails and bass jigs for years and it is great to catch`em on a personal lure.Also I like to irretate the striped bass with a variety of unconventional lures such as one I made from a spark plug with a strip of elastic underware for a trailer.Or some heavey duty Gotcha plugs in the 3 to 4 oz range.

Does anyone know what brand plastic Barlow`s sells.Where is the best source for a starter kit[ 1 gal plast,3 colors and hardener]. How often do you really need softeners.I live in SE Pa.

Any help would be appreciated by this new "pour guy" Thanks. GB

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Lure Craft has a neat little starter kit for 30 bucks; page 54 of their catalog; 1-800-925-9088.

You only get 2 pints of plastic though, a salt and freshwater mix. You will definitely need softener if you plan to use the 502 formula. Might even need it for the 536, depending on how soft you want your baits.


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I started a couple of months ago. I've been pouring almost every day since. Just can't seem to stop. The money savings is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want to be able to do pours as well as some of the other people on this board. I did go to a fishing expo this past weekend as an exhibitor for a company that I rep. I brought some of my baits and ended up selling a half dozen bags. Plus I had a bucket of "seconds" that I sold for 10cents each.I sold about 4-5 dollars worth of those. It's all about having fun for me. More of a hobby, but if I can make a couple of bucks here and there to put back into the plastics then great!

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