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Hollow Body Swimbaits

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So you simply dip the iron into the hot plastic over and over until you get a bait with the appropriate thickness, then you pull the knife out? Do you pull the knife out before the bait completely cools?

Plastic will stretch enough not to rip when the knife is pulled out, dont pull it out too soon as you will deform it.

you can take the knife out when its cool also.

It usually takes 3-4 dips for a complete bait., Tempeature is very important when dipping. the hotter the plastic the thinner it will go on.

Some guys have 3 pots set up all with different temps. the last dip is usually the hotest one and its usually clear after the eyes are stuck on.

Also when donig these remember that the way you hold the knife will actually effect the shape of the bait as the plastic will sag. use that to your advantage.


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