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I have help for the stencil maker in you

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I have just purchased a "Stencil Burner" (Micheals for $15.00) that is very much like a wood burning tool and it does a wonderful job with stencils. Just find a pattern that you need in picture form, or draw your own and place it under a piece of picture frame glass. Then take your stencil sheet which can be a number of mateials such as acetate film, frisket paper ect and place it on the top of the glass and then proceed to "cut" the stencil out just like using a wood burner. It makes for some very fine lines and is easy to use. I would encourage you not to "copy" a pattern in its finest detail but just use it as a guide as it may infringe on some copywrite stuff. Besides you want to be different anyway!!

Can you really copywrite a stencil pattern?" :?

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The only difference between a wood burner and a stencil burner is none, just different tips. You can also buy a "craft burner" or a "hobby burner" that has an assortment of tips for cutting stencils and burning wood. A burner is the only reasonable way I can cut stencils without smoke coming out of my ears :pissed:.


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