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tube drip

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I recently started dipping tubes and thanks to all of you on this forum it has actually been going pretty well. Has anyone else been having trouble with the end of the tube dripping or having a run while you let it cool. I have been using the four pronged dipper from lure craft and about 9/10 of my tubes have a run coming off the tip that I have been trimming and they look OK, but I would like them to be better. Any suggestions???

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I also have that poblem,and after many thousands of tubes I still have.I ignore it,but I have heard of guys using a heat gun to smooth the nose of the tube.I have also heard you can prevent this by cooling with the nose up.I have not tried either method,but the heat gun sounds the most promising.Both of these metods were brought up here on the forum.I have used a special wood burning tool,that is for my wood carved birds,and it worked,but was way too slow.One thing I have noticed that if the plastic is a bit on the cool side the dripping will be less.Bottom line unless you are selling your tubes to a very picky person,I would ignore it and cut the flashing off as close as you can with a razor.I don't sell tubes,I just make them for my own use,and my fishing partners,I lose way too many a day while fishing rock rubble.I consider losing 50 a day as not a bad day,as long as I'm catching fish.What I hate is having to keep tying on a new rig all the time.:(

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